Let’s ascend into my process of production for these works. “Guitar Design One A” is made in ten minutes from “Guitar Design One” (foot of this article) using freehand digital drawing software.
The shading you see automatically follows the lines I made, see my blog article and works ‘a4 LY equation [digital sketch #1]’ for academic artistic reference.
Inspired by the beauty within “Guitar Design One A” I decided to make an acrylic replication of sorts on mixed media paper.
Artistic brand signage gave me the idea to produce a visually colourful piece in Alienalis Mantis, shown immediately below:

Impressed by the accurate brushwork of signage artists, think shop windows for barbers and barge boats, I thought this would make for an excellent amalgamation of styles.
Abstract and Signage.
My drawing lines in “Guitar Design One A” were so perplexing I found these a maze for my brushwork! Therefore I improvised with certain areas on the paper, quickly finding the landscape orientation the best for the acrylic visual.
I made the gold head for the (unintended) Mantis with textures similar to the preserved outer wrapping of an ancient Egyptian mummy.
It’s exciting for me to appreciate this acrylic is derived from guitar designs. The violet is blueberries to the orange. Everything seems to have motion. Life.
Here is the third computer design, a new work made in eight minutes:

Haha, isn’t “Guitar Design B” wonderful?
To be a comfortable guitar I might need to round out its seated-position shape.
Finally we have the first design, “Guitar Design One”:

“Guitar Design One” is more mandolin than guitar. Yet, this design provided the inspiration for guitar Design B.
Here is pre-published social media commentary for the digital pieces and acrylic painting in bold and italics:
[ The three computer drawn guitar designs I made are as follows:
‘Guitar Design One’ prior to 1720hrs on the 1st December 2024, produced in minutes for fun. Seen at the centre of this work.
‘Guitar Design One A’ a professional artwork produced from design one within ten minutes to 1730hrs. The design I incorporate into “Alienalis Mantis”, and the verily design represented here.
Then finally ‘Guitar Design B’, produced within eight minutes to find artistic lines for the possibility of a professional guitar body and neck.
Hope you enjoy these works as much as I do.