I’m honoured to introduce you to Moh’d Bilbeisi, an imaginative professor, visionary architect, illustrator, and watercolorist, who is driven by an incredible passion for self-expression through art and illustration. He is an award-winning educator and illustrator. His students have won numerous national and international architectural design competitions under his direction in the design studio. He is also the recipient of many national and international awards in drawing and illustration the most noted of which is the Ken Roberts Architectural Delineation Competition, the American Society of Architectural Illustrators’ International Competition, and the Design Communication Association William Kirby Lockard Award. Professor Bilbeisi’s work is noted for its hidden meaning, unique dynamism, elegance, and masterful technique. Moh’d has developed an innovative loose style that blends perceived precision with loose abstract expressionism. His use of vibrant watercolor pigments and expressive brush strokes distinguish his paintings and illustrations. He has had solo exhibitions in the US, Turkey, and the UAE. His work is highly collected by individuals, nationally and internationally. In addition, governments, corporations and other entities such as Ducati USA, BMW, SKFGroup, Oklahoma State University, Emirates Air, and Hilton Intl. have utilized Moh’d’s talents for graphic illustrations and ads. Moh’d is an avid traveler and his passion for travel and cultural multiplicity had taken him to places, near and far. He is often carrying his graphic journal documenting his experiences. He offers painting and sketching workshops nationally and internationally emphasizing the importance of graphic journaling, sketching and painting. Moh’d is also a noted author of several books such as Graphic Journaling and co-author of Words and Colors among others. His illustrations have appeared in numerous publications, books, and journal ads.
How did your journey with art begin?
As far as I can remember I was drawn to art and illustration by nature in a very powerful way. I doodled and still doodle all the time and it’s amazing how much this habit improves one’s skill and technique. I had very little art education and lived my childhood in a society that does not value art or artists.
What inspires your art?
Inspiration is a red herring! Everything around us inspires us. We just need to look and feel… open up to receive. Certain environments offer more than other in terms of inspiration and stimulus and with the ease of access to information, I’m afraid that today’s artists suffer from too much inspiration and stimulation which might lead to some negative results.
Why did you choose pen and watercolour as your chosen medium?
That’s a good question. Ink is usually permanent and forces the user to redo the work if the results are not what is expected. I use graphite too, but ink and fountain pens are my favorite due to the expressive nature of the nib. As for watercolors [American spelling] they’re so hard to master and have a mind of their own. Doing a watercolor painting is 30% skill and the rest is up to the pigment, water, brush, paper, relative humidity, wind, sun… and it’s hard to correct. Mistakes are fatal in watercolor painting which used to make me nervous… as I got older, I became better and taught myself to approach watercolor painting with a spiritual disposition. Hard to explain…do my best and let the pieces fall where they fall.
I’m intrigued by a number of paintings you’ve done recently of ancient sites such as the city of Damat Aljandal in Arabia Petrea as well as the Prophet Abraham and his wife Sarah. What inspired these paintings?
That’s a good question too, I’ve lived my childhood within a society that favors the word versus the image. All the stories were orally transmitted or through the written word. No images whatsoever! I used to read and listen to all these wonderful stories that should have been illustrated but they were not. I guess what I am doing is illustrating my own personal history. I do draw and paint my personal life but I keep those paintings private.
Why is art important in your mind?
It is the most sophisticated method to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas at the same time. It is therapeutic for the artist and the viewer. It’s such a disappointment that certain cultures frown upon the artistic expression of its citizens due to faulty ideology. That’s a lengthy discussion in itself.
What words of inspiration and encouragement can you share for those who want to explore their creativity?
Never be afraid to experiment and to not focus on technique…technique will come by itself, it takes time to master. Focus on the experience, the subject not the object. Lastly, avoid the so called style…again, it will happen organically by itself. I insist that aspiring artists should apprentice. That’s an amazing way to learn and mature. I’ve had the pleasure of working with the late Charles Reid and Shoning lee. I took a lot by working with them.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Thank you so much for all that you do. I love your work, it’s a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much.