Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeEntertainmentArtLearn Mixed Media Art And Fly Free — Sara Kabariti

Learn Mixed Media Art And Fly Free — Sara Kabariti

What would your life look like if you could connect to your inner guiding system?

Now imagine finding a place deep within that has all the answers you’ve been searching for. This is what I like to call your inner compass. This is the part of you that simply knows. It is what will guide you onto the path that you are meant for. It will show you the way and will bring you opportunities that can open many doors for you. Your job is to be attentive, tune in and trust this quiet voice.

I’ve found this inner knowing emerges when you are in a state of presence. Unfortunately, most of our days are spent rushing around attending to ‘more important things’. We are pulled right out of our centres by the demands of life. Technology also takes up most of our attention. How many people do you see around you staring at their mobile phone screens?

Painting can help you begin to turn your gaze inward and become present.

Art is another amazing pursuit that can help you change direction, turn around and begin to gaze inward. What do you see? Mixing colour and painting is a magical process that can turn your whole life around. Why? Because it is puts you in a frame of mind where you are fully aware in the moment. It awakens all your senses and brings you into close contact with your inner guiding compass.

I practice the classical Japanese martial art of Iaido – the art of drawing the sword. That is another activity where you have to be fully there to avoid cutting yourself while practicing with a razor sharp blade. However, I’ve found that painting brings me into a state of presence more fully believe it or not. I remember a new student came into our art studio once and started talking to me. My art teacher at the time pointed out that I was so focused on the painting I was working on that apart from a quick welcoming greeting, I was in another sphere altogether.

The healing paths of homeopathy and painting.

I created a mixed media online course that combines my passion for the healing as well as the visual arts. FLY FREE is unique because it will take you on an inner journey into the world of Falco Peregrinus, an incredible raptor that has much to teach you. Through a series of creative painting exercises and reflection sheets, you will be guided on a journey of self exploration to discover what your gifts are and how you can use them to make a difference in the world.

Are you ready to tune in and uncover your true potential?

For you to know where your path lies, you need to be fully awake. Painting can help awaken your soul and support your quest for self knowledge.

Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”


My journey into the healing arts took me on a circuitous path that brought me full circle back to art. I had put all my creative talents to sleep early on in my teens. After a 30 year period of dormancy, my creativity erupted almost overnight to my utmost surprise. It was a delightful rediscovery. FLY FREE emerged out of this cathartic experience and I can’t wait to share all that I have learnt with you. If you would like to learn more about the journey that brought me back to art click below.



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