2024 End of Year Book Survey – That Artsy Reader Girl

I love doing Jamie’s End of Year Book Survey every year, although I’ve added a few of my own questions and removed some of hers in order to make it work a little better for me. This survey helps me look back and remember all the wonderful (and terrible) books I’ve read throughout the year! Also… buh bye 2024. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Can 2025 please be better? So far, I am quite busy which is why I’m so late with this post! (Note: If I’ve mentioned books more than once, I’m only linking to them the first time so my post doesn’t look spammy!)

2024 Reading Stats

Number of books you read: 53 (all featured in the images right below this section)
Number of re-reads: 2
Number of books you DNFed: 46 (not featured in the images below)
Number of pages you read: 14,358
Most read genre: Contemporary romance! I read 34 of them.
Number of new-to-you authors you discovered: 32, I think?

Firsts and Lasts

First book you read: Never Blow a Kiss by Lindsay Lovise
Last book you read:
The Two Bells of Christmas by Joanna Barker
First 2024 release you read: Never Blow a Kiss by Lindsay Lovise

Best In Books

1. Best book you read in 2024:
This is hard, so I’m dividing it up by genre:
Contemporary: Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer
Historical: Never Blow a Kiss by Lindsay Lovise
Fantasy: The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

2. Book you were excited about & thought you were going to love more but didn’t:
The Paradise Problem by Christina Lauren had all the makings of favorite book for me, but I ended up being so disappointed in it. I hated how Anna was portrayed (like is she really this dumb and hopeless?). I am so tired of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, and that’s what the authors are trying so hard to have her be. I hated the main dude’s entire family. I loved the setting. This could have been so good, but they took everything good from The Unhoneymooners and did the opposite. Wanna know something crazy? A CLo book was my answer for this question in 2023, too. What is happening?!

I was also really surprised that I ended up DNFing some books from authors I really like, such as Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca, A Fire in the Sky by Sophie Jordan, The Rule Book by Sarah Adams, and A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen.

3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read:
This is hard, because nothing really surprised me. This really was a pretty meh reading year for me. I guess my biggest surprise was how disappointing The Paradise Problem was.

4. Book you “pushed” the most people to read (and they did):
I was more of a quiet reader this year, not really pushing books like I usually do, but I think I talked about The Spellshop more than any other book this year.

5. Best first book in a series you started in 2024. Best sequel of 2024. Best series ender of 2024.
First: Second Duke’s the Charm by Kate Bateman
Sequel: Just Friends Forever by Martha Keyes
Ender: Business Casual by B.K. Borison

6. Favorite new-to-you author you discovered in 2024:
Betty Cayouette

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone:
I didn’t jump too far out of my comfort zone this year, but I think it’s because I’ve expanded my comfort genres a lot over the years!

8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year:
Even though it was a re-read, I still adore The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren! I couldn’t put it down… again!

9. Book you read in 2024 that you are most likely to re-read next year?
The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

10. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2024:
A Holiday by Gaslight by Mimi Matthews

11. Most memorable character of 2024:
Ok, there’s a tie so I’m breaking this down to most memorable human character and most memorable plant character.

Human: Guy Maple from The Christmas You Found Me by Sarah Morgenthaler
Plant: Caz the spider plant from The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst. This plant is the cutest, and I think listening to the audio made him better for me! Such a fun personality!

12. Most beautifully written book read in 2024:
The Christmas You Found Me by Sarah Morgenthaler was so beautifully written and emotional and tender. I was honestly terrified to read it because the synopsis sounded like it was going to be somber and heavy and a difficult read. I don’t like reading books like that, especially Christmas ones, but this was wonderful and hopeful and so, so sweet.

13. Most thought-provoking/life-changing book of 2024:
Well gosh, I had no idea The Christmas You Found Me by Sarah Morgenthaler would fit so many prompts. I reflected a lot on healing, grief, going through hard things, finding joy wherever you go, and perseverance while reading it.

14. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2024 to finally read:
A Stranger Is Watching by Mary Higgins Clark, only because it has been out for nearly 50 years and I have loved MHC since I was a kid so how had I not read it yet? lol.

15. Favorite quote from a book you read in 2024:

“It wasn’t that she didn’t like people. It was only that she liked books more. They didn’t fuss or judge or mock or reject. They invited you in, fluffed up the pillows on the couch, offered you tea and toast, and shared their hearts with no expectation that you’d do anything more than absorb what they had to give.”
– The Spellshop
by Sarah Beth Durst

16. Shortest and longest books you read in 2024:
Shortest: A Mistletoe Kiss by Catherine Walsh (25 pages)
Longest: A Court This Cruel and Lovely by Stacia Stark (562 pages)

17. OTP of the year (you will go down with this ship!):
I’m sorry, but it’s Guy and Sienna in The Christmas You Found Me by Sarah Morgenthaler. LOL

18. Favorite non-romantic relationship of the year:
Kiela and her BFF, Caz the spider plant in The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst.
Also, Guy’s relationship with his daughter, Emma in The Christmas You Found Me by Sarah Morgenthaler.

19. Favorite book you read in 2024 from an author you’ve read previously:
Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle. Such a fun and whimsical book, as I have come to expect and adore from Sarah! I’m so excited to read the next book in the series this year.

20. Best book you read in 2024 that you read based SOLELY on a recommendation from somebody else:
Four Weekends and a Funeral by Ellie Palmer is a book I never would have picked up if the book’s publicist hadn’t reached out because she thought I’d like it. And I LOVED it. It’s got the perfect combination of feelings and lighter, funnier swoons. There’s also some While You Were Sleeping movie Easter eggs, which was fun.

21. Newest fictional crush from a book you read in 2024:
Shall I be a broken record? Let me see if I can find someone other than Guy… WAIT. The prompt specifies newest fictional crush. So that means Leo from We Three Kings by Kristen Bailey AND Alexander from Miracle on Ladies’ Mile by Joanna Shupe. You can’t make me pick one.

22. Best 2024 debut you read:
Never Blow a Kiss by Lindsay Lovise and One Last Shot by Betty Cayouette.

24. Most vivid setting you read this year:
Ok LOOK. It’s just gonna have to be The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst.

25. Book that put a smile on your face/was the most FUN to read:
The Honeymoon Crashers by Christina Lauren. I love a full-cast audiobook, and this is delightful even the second time around!

26. Book that made you cry or nearly cry in 2024:
The Christmas You Found Me by Sarah Morgenthaler

27. Hidden gem of the year:
The One with the Kiss Cam by Cindy Steel

28. Most unique book you read in 2024:
This should come as no surprise. It has a talking plant and merhorses and forest sprites and lots of jam. And it rains flower petals. The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

39. Book that made you the maddest (doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t like it):
Let’s not beat a dead horse, ok? I would love a CLo book that I will love this year to make up for it.

My Blogging/Bookish Life

1. Favorite review that you wrote in 2024:
So… I only wrote 14 reviews in 2024. That’s bad. I will do better. But I love all of them because they’re my thoughts and I do wish they got more attention, but oh well!

2. Best discussion/non-review post you had on your blog:
Any one of the 50+ Top Ten Tuesdays! I have so much fun making my weekly lists.

3. Best event that you participated in (author signings, festivals, virtual events, memes, etc.):
No events this year.

6. Most popular post this year on your blog (whether it be by comments or views):
Top Ten Favorite Books I Read in 2023 got the most comments!

7. Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores, etc.):
No new discoveries, I’m afraid!

8. Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year:
I surpassed my goal of reading 52 books this year by reading 52!

Looking Ahead in 2025

1. Book you are most anticipating in 2025 (non-debut):
Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yarros!!!! I have been waiting for this day, and it’ll be here in less than two weeks! Ahhhh! I love this series, and am both nervous and excited about what Rebecca Yarros is going to put my beloved characters through. lol.

2. 2025 debut you are most anticipating:
It’s hard to pick one, so two it is! I’m excited about Any Trope but You by Victoria Lavine and Crash Landing by Annie McQuaid.

3. Sequel you are most anticipating in 2025:
Honestly, the only series book I’m pining for right now is Onyx Storm. lol. I don’t read many series that end on cliffhangers or feature the same main characters across the series, so I don’t really find myself anticipating the next book in the series for the same reasons as I used to. Now it’s usually just because I love the author and am excited for their next book.

4. One thing you hope to accomplish or do in your reading/blogging life in 2025?
Post more reviews! I have not loved writing them lately. lol. Maybe I can force myself to be ok with writing shorter reviews so the task doesn’t feel as daunting.

Do we have any answers in common?

Pick a question or two and answer them in the comments! Let’s discuss!

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