31/07/2021 – Dragons and Whimsy

The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the ShelvesThe Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too!

My Week

I spent the first part of my week in a really witchy kinda mood. I was watching lots of Youtube and thinking about reading some books from my pagan/witchcraft shelf, and from there I started planning a trip to the West Country to visit Glastonbury town and Stonehenge and Cornwall. I need to do some saving for that, and my friend is most likely going to join me too! So we both need to save and work out how much things are going to cost, so we’re looking at maybe September 2023. I hope you don’t mind if I start reading some of these books though. Where the mood reading takes us, you know? For this week, I started on The Book of Hedge Druidry by Joanna van der Hoeven. It’s going to take a while, I’m not sure if it’s her writing style or if reading non-fiction just takes more spoons for me but I can only do a little at a time.

In fiction, I wrapped up reading Coyote Moon by John Vornholt, my first of the Buffy books. I certainly have enough thoughts on this one for a review. In short: certainly not great, the characters felt a tad “off” and there were some problematic elements, and the final battle felt kinda anti-climactic, but it was an easy read. I’m now starting on Grady Hendrix’s My Best Friend’s Exorcism which I’m excited about.

On Wednesday I had my first appointment with a therapist to see where my mental health is at and what they can do to help me. This will be CBT, not talking therapies, but we shall see where it goes. He seems nice, at least. I liked talking to him and the worst that can happen is I end it exactly where I am now. I’m confident I’ll get something out of it, at least.

On Friday we played Dungeons & Dragons. This was my homebrew group and they went immediately into battle with a “Debased Faun” who didn’t get his cool thing off, but that’s more the better for the party. And then made their way to the Desecrated Temple where they came across a very out of place statue and met with a suspicious cloaked lady who sent them down below. And thus begins the first dungeon I’ve put together. I’m so excited for them to explore it!! Here are the maps we used this week, made with Inkarnate.

On the Blog

Blogging was a struggle this week. Dealing with the remains of my depressive funk from the previous week mixed with the fatigue and a couple other worries, I just didn’t want to write. I couldn’t think, so I didn’t. I read instead.


Claimed a few free ebooks this week, all fantasy and I believe Deck Matthews’ stuff is still on offer.

Next Week

So about this post on the Buffy books reading order: I’m struggling. I still want to do it but it may end up being a series and it might not be right away. I started this week and realised it will be a larger undertaking than I gave it credit for.

I will also have another appointment with the therapist about goals and perhaps an ADHD… not full assessment but just seeing if it’s worth getting on a waiting list for.

I’m hopeful I’ll get a couple posts out this week as well but we’ll see how I go. I may also start another Buffy book alongside My Best Friend’s Exorcism because they’re such quick reads.

How have your weeks been? Reading anything good? Got up to anything interesting? Let’s chat in the comments! I’d love to hear what you’re all getting up to!

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