My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This was an intriguing and compulsive read. I feared at first that it would be a bit stuffy and too political but the more I read the more fascinating it became. Marr’s style was conversational and witty at times with lots of personal information. His ‘revelation’ of such things became something more to look forward to as you read more of the book.
The sections in the book about David Lloyd-George, Neville Chamberlain and Sir Winston Churchill, for example, were truly gripping. And the brief mention about the lives of the Mitford sisters was surprising, even charming to some extent, though shocking to some readers no doubt. Marr’s account about the stormy times around World War 1 and the lively 1920s/30s is brought to life in such a way that it defeats completely the rather dry and staid way you might find it in your usual history book.
The changes in British culture and attitudes brought about due to the loss of its Empire were also handled well in the expert hand of this skilful writer. Class distinction, feminism and communism etc. were all changes to British society the author detailed well. Highly recommended to anyone who thinks they hate history. This book encourages one to find out more!