Indeed, some of the descriptions of the torture used by the Gestapo are very graphic and I struggled to read them as I had built an emotional connection to Odette and was amazed at her bravery as she continued to not betray her SOE colleagues, two of which only had her silence to depend on to stay safe at that time. Also, Loftis recounts Odette and Peter’s relationship with a sensitivity that makes it feel natural and organic and shows the sense of loyalty they had to each other as well as the cause during this time.
I also enjoyed the recounting of the final days of the war from someone who was inside the concentration camps. Many historical films and books I’ve seen tend to show the suffering that happened in these camps and the days when they were freed by the Allies after the war but this book also shows the changing tides in the final days leading up to the war and how this affected people within the camps which is a story that doesn’t really get described. The book really captures a sense of chaos as the Nazi’s at the top realised it was over and began to operate a scorched earth policy to destroy evidence of their war crimes, including their victims where it really feels Odette is a hair’s breadth away from certain death.
The books conclusion also ends on a powerful moment where Odette receives her accolades from the King which is much deserved and I felt emotional coming to the end of the journey with her.
The book also does briefly explain what happened post-war, including her marriage and eventual divorce from Peter which is sad but possibly to be expected that a love that develops in such exceptional circumstances may not last the mundane and ordinary life that comes afterwards.
It is also shocking to discover some attempts were made to question Odette’s record from former French Resistance spies and even an MP in the UK which I think would make readers angry at the level of disrespect shown to Odette and Peter. Also how unfair ti was that for their rest of their lives they couldn’t comment in too much detail as much of their work was locked away under the Official Secrets Act.