Easy pancakes recipe – Floris Books BlogFloris Books Blog

No one said pancakes were just for Pancake Day! Who says you have to wait until then to enjoy some delicious pancakes? Try the recipe below for the perfect pancakes from our new book, The Runaway Pancake by Tiny Fisscher and Sophie Pluim. Crispy round the edges and soft in the middle, they’re so fluffy and sweet, buttery and golden, that everyone will want some!

The Runaway Pancake is a bright and contemporary retelling of the classic tale about a cheeky pancake who makes a great escape! With bright, diverse illustrations and rhythmic, lively text, this is the perfect picture book to share at storytime. 


  • 3/4 cup (150 g) plain or all-purpose flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/4 cups (500 ml) milk
  • pinch of salt
  • oil or butter for frying
  • toppings (e.g. maple syrup, sugar, chocolate spread)


Ask an adult for help when cooking your pancakes.

1. Mix the flour and salt in a bowl.

2. Crack the eggs into the mixed flour and salt.

3. Beat with a spoon or a whisk until combined.

4. Pour in the milk a little at a time and keep beating, until you get a nice smooth batter without any lumps.

5. Melt the butter or oil in a hot frying pan and pour in a thin layer of batter.

6. When the top of the pancake is firm enough, gently flip it over (don’t let it run away!)
to cook the other side.

7. Once both sides are brown, carefully slide your pancake onto a plate and add your topping.

8. Enjoy!

We’d love to see photographs of your pancakes! Share with us online on X (Twitter)FacebookInstagram and Bluesky.

Find out more about The Runaway Pancake here.

If you’re hungry for even more pancakes, why not try our recipe for apple star pancakes from Lottie, St Michael and the Lonely Dragon? Or find even more fun and family-friendly recipes here.

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