Famous Last Words by Gilliam McAllister

The author says that this book is: “…a love story set in a hostage situation.”  Which is accurate.

As always with Gillian McAllister novels, the plot is complex and unexpected. A ghost writer and new father leaves a note one morning and disappears. The note is not clear in its meaning and he is uncontactable. When the police arrive at his wife’s workplace, she finds out that he is involved in a hostage situation – only he is the kidnapper and he has a gun. A negotiator is called in but people die and the kidnapper disappears somehow.

Set in central London, the story is told through two points of view in the third person, the wife and the negotiator. As the mystery unfolds of why a nice man became a kidnapper and what became of him, the two narrators attempt to deal with other issues in their personal lives too. The hostage siege is a turning point for both.  

From such a great premise the book weaves through some aspects of the publishing world, the Dark Web, infertility and pining for lost love. At times it is slow and the pining bit is a tad repetitive. This makes the story drag, particularly towards the end when everything is coming together.  The thing that drives the reader through is the need to find out the truth of what really happened and who these other characters are.

​The story is original and there is a good mystery to solve, but not really a thriller. A bit short on suspense and long on the gazy love aspect (not for me) but a worthwhile read.

Published by Michael Joseph on 30 January 2025.
Advance review copy supplied by the publisher.

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