February Wrap Up – Down the Rabbit Hole

February was the month when my reading started to go a little downhil. It was really busy at work (not to mention some personal stuff going on) and I just tailed off with my reading in terms of number of books read but also actually getting books from my TBR read. I still had a good reading month, but that was definitely more due to audiobooks and long car journeys.

Books I Read 

  1. Personal (Jack Reacher #19)
  2. The Art of Starting Over
  3. The Fall Risk
  4. Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 7 (Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) #7)
  5. Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 8 (Heaven Official’s Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) #8)
  6. The Falcon and the Foe (Single Dads Club #1)
  7. Heaven
  8. Autocracy Inc: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World
  9. Silent Spring
  10. Inheritance (The Lost Bride Trilogy #1)
  11. A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy
  12. Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop

Favourite Book of the Month 

I have been meaning to read this book for a while and I was glad to listen to it on Spotify. This is a book focused on the impact of pesticides/insecticides on both the environment and people as a whole, which ended up causing such a storm that it helped to change legalisation. It is a heavy book but I can definitely see why it had such an impact.

Least Favourite Book of the Month 

This was an easy choice. This book I received in January (so taking it off my TBR!) on Amazon First Reads so at least I got it for free. A woman is cheated on by her husband with her best friend and it ends up on the internet, but considering how she badly she handles it (she says to her new love interest, who was widowed six months before, that it might have been better to be widowed than divorced), I can see why he left her. I also don’t think she’s a good girlfriend to her new love interest or a good mother.

Reading Updates

So far fewer books read this month (though I did enjoy a lot of them) but at least some of them were ones I bought this year and so they were getting off my TBR. Unfortunately I also bought a lot of books this month and so my TBR went up quite a lot so it’s now on +30!

This month is I was supposed to do Polarthon and that completely went out the window! Which was a shame because I would have liked to have gotten to some of my wintery/icy reads this month. I managed to get some prompts done to do with white/blue covers but not that much.

That said, the Women’s Prize for Non-Fiction Longlist came out this month and I was immediately interested in reading the entire longlist (not before the shortlist comes out though, my library does take a while for some books). Spotify came to help with their audiobooks (I read the shortest one from the longlist so I didn’t go over my monthly listening time) so I managed to start off the challenge.

So the reading month could have been better, but it definitely could have been worse.

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