Anne at HeadFullofBooks linked me to a fun meme by Adam Burgess and suggested I participate! The rules are pretty easy. You just answer each prompt with a title of a book you read in 2024! I thought it sounded like fun, so here we go! I’m going to try to only use a book title once. Hopefully this works. lol
In high school I was…
The Exception to the Rule (Christina Lauren)
Ever the teacher’s pet. lol. I got away with everything!
People might be surprised (by my)…
Desperate Acts (Alexandra Ivy)
I’ve put myself through a lot in my life to try and find answers about my health.
I will never be…
A Friend in the Dark (Samantha M. Bailey)
I’ll be a friend always.
My fantasy job is…
The Honeymoon Crashers (Christina Lauren)
Personally, I think it sounds like a lot of fun to go on other peoples’ vacations.
At the end of a long day I need…
French Holiday (Sarah Ready)
A trip to Paris sounds like the perfect recovery for a long day to me!
I hate it when…
A Stranger is Watching (Mary Higgins Clark)
I wish I had…
Just Friends Forever (Martha Keyes)
I want a really close-knit friend group like the one in Friends, Big Bang Theory, or Saved by the Bell!
My family reunions are…
In a Not So Perfect World (Neely Tubati Alexander)
My family is very tiny, and my grandparents have passed away so it’s not the same anymore.
At a party you’d find me with…
Mr. October (Bethany Weever)
He sounds dreamy!
I’ve never been to…
The Spellshop (Sarah Beth Durst)
But oh how I would love to visit this magical place!
A happy day includes…
For Butter or for Worse (Dana LeCheminant)
I really love butter. Give me something buttery, and the day is a win!
Motto I live by…
Never Blow a Kiss (Lindsay Lovise)
You never know who might catch it!
On my bucket list is…
A Mistletoe Kiss (Catherine Walsh)
I’m a romantic and would love to find my person someday!
In my next life, I want to have…
A Holiday by Gaslight (Mimi Matthews)
Can I come back in one of my historical romance novels and spend Christmas at a glittering house party?
What books did you read in 2024 that fit these prompts?
If you decide to participate in this meme, please comment with a link so I can come visit!