A cosy winter romance: out on 18th September.
The ebook is currently just 99p for UK readers.
I know it’s rather early to be talking about Christmas, but the supermarkets are already selling mince pies, so I think that gives me permission to announce that my latest book – Bella’s Countryside Christmas – is now available to pre-order and will be published in just 1 week’s time on 18th September.
If you’re a UK reader, you can get your copy for just 99p (it’s also very reasonably priced everywhere else!).
It’s a cosy winter romance. Very much Hallmark movie in a book! And those of you who have read my earlier book, Elle’s A to Z of Love, will recognise the setting: the idyllic Cotswolds village of Haileybrook. Also, if you’ve read Clues to You, you have already met Bella and I hope will enjoy getting to spend more time with her.
Here’s the blurb:
Fleeing her heartache and horrendous job, Bella stumbles upon a December wedding in the beautiful village of Haileybrook and the spirit of the season moves her to act as a fake date to handsome stranger Jack.
Jack and Bella hit it off, but Bella has to leave in a hurry and their magical evening soon becomes nothing more than a blissful memory.
A year later, Bella is returning to Haileybrook, seeking a fresh start and a quieter life. With a new job close to her cosy cottage home, a peaceful Christmas is surely only days away.
But it’s not long before family surprises, small-town feuds and romantic drama disrupt Bella’s plans, and she has to wonder if being alone is what she really wants for Christmas …
Early reviews
I’ve been lucky enough to have some lovely early reviews. Thank you to everyone who has already put up a review on Goodreads. A couple of specific thank yous I have promised: thank you to Sandra at FirthProof and to Robbie at Robbie’s Inspiration (click for their reviews) who read the reviewed the book as members of the brilliant Rosie’s Book Review Team (thank you to Rosie too).
Another thank you to Julie at the fantastic One Book More for her review. Please check out her other book reviews too 🙂
Bella’s Countryside Christmas will be available in ebook and paperback. You can pre-order the ebook on Amazon (just 99p in the UK!) and if you have Kindle Unlimited it will be free to download. The paperback will be available at Amazon or, if you’re in the UK, you can order it from your preferred online or high street book store, or from me directly!
Pre-order your copy of Bella’s Countryside Christmas now!