Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show.
Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father.
When the sisters’ long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true. But no sooner have they arrived than Tella vanishes, kidnapped by the show’s mastermind organiser, Legend.
Scarlett has been told that everything that happens during Caraval is only an elaborate performance. But nonetheless she quickly becomes enmeshed in a dangerous game of love, magic and heartbreak. And real or not, she must find Tella before the game is over, and her sister disappears forever.
Caraval has been such an unexpected exciting read, I didn’t
actual have any intention on reading this series but I was kindly gifted Once
Upon a Broken Heart which I am desperate to read but after seeing a few videos
online saying that it is best to read Caraval series first I thought I better
take their advice so I quickly brought a kindle copy and I am so glad I did.
Caraval is a completely unpredictable read that leaves you
continually in a state of confusion never quite knowing what is real and what
is fake and it is great as the reader to feel completely vulnerable and mind
boggled along with our main character Scarlett.
The storyline is magical and adventurous but with a sinister
undercurrent too. This was fast paced and once of those books where there is no
safe place to put it down because you are desperate to see what is going to occur
There are a lot of characters in this book but they don’t
have obscure names and the more central characters are developed really well so
they were easy to distinguish between and even the supporting characters all
brought an enchanting feel to the story even though I didn’t trust a single one
of them.
The world of Caraval was so vividly detailed you really feel
a part of this enchanted place and I am really not ready to leave it behind so
I am going to waste no time and will pick up the second book in the series this
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