Reviews – Aargh! – Why Are They So Hard To Get and What Can You Do Instead?

If you are an author, you know exactly what I mean.

After all the blood, sweat and tears, that book that took months or even years to write is finally posted on the world wide web in all of the online book stores. It should be easy to find. After all, you used the right “search” key words. The title is spot-on and the book cover looks fantastic! The book description is concise and appealing. The readers should soon be flooding in! But they’re not. . .

If you’re wondering why, the answer is painfully simple. There is just too much competition! There is literally an ocean of books available for public consumption and the levels of that ocean rise higher every single day.

Another thing to consider, that is not immediately apparent, is that those carefully selected key words you chose might not even bring your book up in a search at that online book store. Hard to believe, but absolutely true. That is because authors with the most money to spend on those key words are the ones that will reap the most rewards in online searches. Not fair, but hey. . .you know the saying, “Nothing in life is fair.”

Hmmm…so what is an author to do?

Maybe you have joined one of the many groups on social media where you can give a review and get a review in return. But you’ve quickly found that trying to keep track of who you reviewed and who has reviewed you can be maddening. Keeping track. . .oh yeah, you’ve got to be vigilante about doing that because the king of the book mountain (and you all know who I mean) won’t allow you to review the book of someone who has reviewed your book. They will even go so far as to DELETE your reviews. That whole process is just too time-consuming and just plain hard.

Yeah. . .reality begins to hit pretty hard about now.

I think most of us authors get to that point where we might start to believe it all seems hopeless. But there’s a funny thing about creative people. Nothing can keep us down forever. In fact, for some, it makes them even more creative.

So, what’s an aspiring author to do in this challenging landscape? Many turn to social media, engaging in groups where members exchange reviews—an admirable effort, indeed. Yet, many discover that trying to keep track of who they’ve reviewed and who has reciprocated quickly becomes overwhelming. The constant need for vigilance in this game is exhausting, especially knowing that major platforms often have strict policies that may even lead to the deletion of your reviews. The entire process can become a convoluted maze that seems more trouble than it’s worth.

You might have also joined one of those highly promoted reading platforms that boast thousands of readers eager to devour new books. Excitement surges each time you receive a notification of a download, leaving you hopeful that reviews will soon follow. But as the months roll into years with little to no feedback, the stark reality sets in: potential readers can download an unlimited number of books, leading to towering “to-be-read” lists that often overshadow your own work. In many cases, your book may sit idly while the enthusiasm wanes.

It’s moments like these that can breed disillusionment among authors. It’s easy to feel as though the journey is hopeless. Yet, here lies a curious trait of creative individuals—they refuse to be kept down for long. In fact, setbacks often fuel innovation, inspiring some to delve even deeper into their craft and explore new avenues of promotion and engagement.

One sobering trend in today’s book market is the increasing tendency for authors and publishers to give away books for free in hopes of attracting a wider audience. While this strategy can seem appealing, it often leads to disappointing results. Over time, many authors notice that readers who receive free books tend to view them as less valuable, hoarding these titles without ever engaging with them. This sad reality underscores the fact that an author’s hard work deserves recognition and, yes, compensation.

I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t mind paying for books I wish to read and review. Quite the contrary, I prefer purchasing them, as it reflects my support for the author’s journey. Of course, we all have our price limits—there’s no escaping that! For most self-published authors, setting a low price—often around 99 cents for text-only books—can result in modest royalty earnings. Picture books may necessitate a higher price point, usually around $2.99, in accordance with the pricing structures of online retailers. The key takeaway is to find a sweet spot that balances affordability for readers while ensuring you receive recognition for your efforts.

Rather than expending significant effort solely on obtaining reviews for your book, it could be far more effective to shift your focus towards engaging with Facebook groups that revolve around themes and topics pertinent to your book’s subject matter. Here’s a step-by-step approach to effectively promote your book within these communities.

First, take the initiative to create a dedicated Facebook page specifically for your book. This page will serve as your central hub for all promotions, content, and reader interactions. Populate it with engaging material, including thought-provoking posts, updates about your writing journey, and intriguing tidbits about your book to attract attention.

Next, consider creating and sharing relatable memes that connect to the themes or topics of your book. These memes not only entertain but also create shareable content that resonates with your target audience. When posting these memes, ensure they are lighthearted, informative, and thought-provoking rather than overtly promotional.

After you have crafted these memes, share them within relevant Facebook groups that permit promotional postings. It’s essential that you adhere to each group’s specific guidelines. Many groups emphasize community building and genuine engagement, so it’s critical to avoid any content that resembles a hard sell. Instead, your posts should encourage curiosity and invite group members to engage with the subject matter, gently guiding them back to your book’s Facebook page for further exploration.

On your book’s page, you are free to include links to purchase your book, share more in-depth content, and even post special promotions. This strategy not only drives traffic back to your dedicated page but also builds a community around your book, fostering genuine interest and potential readership without the pressure of a direct sales pitch.

Ultimately, this approach fosters organic engagement and builds a loyal audience who appreciates your content and is naturally drawn to your book. By prioritizing connection over conversion, you can cultivate a supportive network that can lead to increased visibility and, subsequently, positive reviews when readers genuinely connect with your work.

As you navigate this intricate world of publishing, I sincerely wish you the best on your journey. Remember, perseverance in the face of adversity often leads to greater creativity and unexpected opportunities. The world needs your stories, and they will find their way into the hearts of readers who are eager to hear them.

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