It was a cold but sunny morning when we rocked up at Telford parkrun looking to enjoy a ‘fairly flat, fast and firm under foot’ course. Race shoes had been donned in anticipation. This was our first visit to Telford and the venue was looking wonderful in the crisp sunshine. There were numerous water features, wide paths and lots of interest to admire en route, including dinosaurs!
We had been advised to park our car in Southwater (£4 for the 4 hours we stayed, pay on exit by card). From here it is a short walk to Telford Park’s visitor centre where pleasingly clean toilet facilities were available. We took the obligatory photos by the popup before wandering down to the finish funnel where volunteers were congregating. Bags may be left here or placed in a trolley at the start point by the popup. The trolley was moved to near the finish funnel once the parkrun was underway.
Having done a short warmup it was time to attend the First Timers briefing. Either I got this wrong or it didn’t happen. Before I knew it the Run Director was giving his briefing: welcoming everyone, thanking the volunteers, and calling out milestones. It was clear this was going to be a well attended event but there were pacers so I slotted myself in as close to my expected finish time as I could manage given the crowds.
Soon it was time for Go! I watched as the pacer disappeared into the distance. Congestion around my position meant I was walking behind others for quite some time. Although this is always frustrating it is a reminder that parkrun is a run not a race and that everyone is welcome to travel at whatever pace they wish, including walking. Those around me were clearly in groups and chatting happily. I settled down to simply enjoy taking part.
After the first kilometre or so – downhill then uphill on paths that narrowed but were smooth and firm throughout – the pack had spread out enough that I could start to run at my chosen pace. I was now able to admire the surroundings, lapping a lake in a shorter loop and then back around on a longer one. There were only a few points where I was slowed again by groups running together but given the start I had this was not going to be one of my faster runs so not an issue.
Encouraging marshals ensured everyone knew which paths to take along the way. The start of the second lap was clearly marked alongside the turn back to the finish. There were runners with dogs and others pushing buggies. A fair number of children were also taking part – lovely to see.
The turn back to the finish goes uphill. Although there were a few hills to traverse around the lakeside loops this was the big one. It was with some relief that I eventually passed the timekeepers. Having said that, it always is – yet we turn up each week and do this for fun!
689 participants passed through the finish funnel today. The pack was led by Matt Costello in a time of 15:58. The first 30 finishers all came in under 20 minutes. Clearly congestion only slows down back of the pack runners like me.
2 participants earned the right to wear new milestone t-shirts. Congratulations to: Claire Upton (250) and Alfie Bird (10).
There were a number of groups taking part including what looked like a bridal party and, as I understand it, a good number of Couch to 5k graduates from local running clubs – we hope you will return. There were also many tourists like us from near and far.
Many of the volunteers came from Lawley Running Club. Big thanks to them and to all the hi viz heroes without whom parkrun cannot happen.
Telford Park is a fine venue for a parkrun making it understandable why so many take part. We were glad to have visited and, if in the area again, would certainly return.