My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Time taken to read – 2 days
Pages – 384
Publisher – Stripes
Source – Gift from a friend
Blurb from Goodreads
We are the trees. We are the snow.
We are the winter.
We are the peace. We are the rage.
Cut off from civilization by the harsh winter of northern Sweden, the Stromberg family shelter in their old plantation house. There are figures lurking in the ancient pine forests and they’re closing in. With nothing but four walls between the Strombergs and the evil that’s outside, they watch and wait for the snows to melt.
But in the face of signs that there’s an even greater danger waiting to strike, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish reality from illusion. All they’ve got to do is stay sane and survive the winter…
My Review
Teenage girl is our main character/protagonist, uprooted from her home/friends/school to a place that almost gives The Shining vibes, a plantation house surrounded by old old trees. When the snow comes you are hemmed in, surrounded by trees and something unsettling and threatening in the woods. The house comes with Dorothea, a house keeper who is neither friendly nor seemingly happy. She herself is quite a threatening force merely by her presence and hostile attitude.
We the reader learn quickly that there is more to the surrounded woods and trees and it isn’t long before the family, certainly the daughter picks up on the creepy/eerie vibes. As teenagers are, actually to be fair I think most of us are, drawn to the things left behind by previous occupants the wean starts to explore and nosey about. Clearly the house and forest has secrets, there is dangerous, threats abound and the family are none the wiser.
I think the atmosphere was brilliantly done, creepy throughout and you knew the danger was pending but not overly sure why, when or how. I think a lot was implied and the reader picking up on things as the story developed. I would have loved to get more of and about the housekeeper as she certainly has seen a lot over the years and been central to some of the happenings.
The creepy forest passages/chat was different and I liked how a lot was show not tell so your imagination got to go a bit wild. I did feel I was left wanting a fair bit though too and so so many questions. I think this would be a perfect tale when you are surrounded by snow and or visiting somewhere a bit isolated, that would drive the creep factor right up. This was my first time reading this author, I would read her again, 3.5/5 from us.