Five high school friends, bonded by an oath to protect each other no matter what.
On a camping trip in the middle of the forest, they find something extraordinary: a mysterious staircase to nowhere
One friend walks up – but never comes back down.
Now twenty years later, the staircase has reappeared, and the friends return to find the lost boy – and what lies beyond the staircase in the woods…
‘Friendship is like a house’ she said to him, his head cradled in her lap. (0, The Heart Of It)
(@PenguinUKBooks, 29 January 2025, 400 pages, ARC from the publisher via @NetGalley_UK)
I love horror fiction and the blurb made me want to read The Staircase in the Woods. I’m also a fan of the author and I jumped at the chance to read more of his works. I love the premise of the book and couldn’t wait to see where the author went with the story. I had a great time reading this book. It ticks all the boxes of a creepy, gripping horror read. It unsettled me which is a good thing. The ending made me hope there will be a sequel in the future which I would love to read. I’d recommend this.