February Tonies Releases 2025
Welcome to the February 2025 Tonies release update for the UK. The two new characters for Toniebox have already been released in the US. They are a Tonies original creation the Lalalinos. The Tonie Characters are based on three friends. As already mentioned, two friends have already been released in the US and these are the ones that will release in the UK on the 3rd February.
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For all 2025 new UK releases head to this post.
Where to Buy Tonies and Toniebox discount codes
February Tonies: Move and Groove in Bumbaloo & The Best Band in Bumbaloo
This blog post will give you a little information about each new February Tonies character as well as resources or ideas that you can use to enhance the enjoyment and learning experience.

Scout and Akio: Lalalinos
So, the Lalalinos are Tonie original creations. The Lalalinos are friends Scout, Akio and Cosmo. First up are the release of Scout and Akio and Cosmo is to come later. Each Lalalinos character is filled with catchy music and stories with a friendship theme. Recommended enjoyment age from 3 +. You can listen to sample audio by clicking the links below. I’d say the content if for a young audience but our eight year old found the songs lots of fun.
Bumbaloo is the place where the Lalalinos live. There’s four stories on each of the Tonie characters and there are songs interwoven into the stories.
Each Tonie is approximately 50 minutes long. You can access a free sample of each of the Lalalinos new Tonies on the Tonie app under the ‘free’ tab as well as a sample of the theme tune. On desktop you need to be logged in but can access and assign the free samples to your Creative Tonie here.
Amazon US Lalalinos
Both Scout and Akio Lalalinos are available on Amazon US so I’m sure they’ll be heading to Amazon UK soon.
Bundle Lalalinos
In the US I’ve spotted a bundle deal deal which includes the two new Lalalinos Tonie Characters. It’s currently sold out but you can add your email address on this page to be notified when it comes back into stock.

Creative Tonies
Have you made your own Tonie content yet using Creative Tonies? You can find lots of free content in this post. However, it’s really easy to record your own content too. You can use a voice recorder app on your phone or record directly using the Tonie app.
The Lalalinos are the perfect Tonies to encourage your little ones to sing, dance and record their own compositions to play on Creative Tonies.
Well what an exciting January Tonies update we’ve had! Do come and share your ideas in our Facebook group for how you use your Tonies.
Tonie Character Hack
Where to Buy Tonies and Toniebox discount codes
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