World Bear Day: Learning Resources, Books, Audiobooks, Activities & Play

World Bear Day 2025

Although bears have tremendous power it doesn’t stop us from finding them totally loveable. They’re often the main character in many children’s stories! The 23rd March 2025 is World Bear Day where we celebrate all bears regardless of species. There’s actually eight species of bear in the world. This post will give you some resources and ideas you can use to help you and your children celebrate World Bear Day 2025.

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What are the Eight Species of Bear?

Here’s a table with information about each of the eight species of bear. It’s available as part of the free download below.

Common Name Scientific Name Habitat Diet Description
American Black Bear Ursus americanus North America Omnivore The most common bear species in North America, they are highly adaptable and can be found in forests, mountains, and swamps. Their fur can be black, brown, or even blonde.
Asiatic Black Bear Ursus thibetanus Asia (Himalaya, China, Japan, Korea, Russia) Omnivore Recognisable by the white crescent-shaped mark on its chest, this bear is mainly arboreal and prefers forested habitats.
Brown Bear Ursus arctos North America, Europe, Asia Omnivore One of the largest bear species, brown bears have powerful builds and are found in a variety of environments, from forests to tundra. Includes subspecies like the grizzly bear.
Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca China Herbivore Known for their black-and-white fur, pandas primarily eat bamboo. Unlike other bears, they have a pseudo-thumb to grasp bamboo stalks.
Polar Bear Ursus maritimus Arctic Carnivore The largest land carnivore, polar bears are specially adapted to icy environments, relying on sea ice to hunt seals. Their fur appears white but is actually translucent.
Sloth Bear Melursus ursinus India, Sri Lanka, Nepal Omnivore (mostly insectivorous) A shaggy-haired bear with a long snout, adapted for sucking up insects, particularly termites. Unlike most bears, it is primarily nocturnal.
Spectacled Bear Tremarctos ornatus South America (Andes Mountains) Omnivore (mostly herbivorous) The only bear native to South America, it has distinctive light-colored facial markings that resemble spectacles. Primarily herbivorous.
Sun Bear Helarctos malayanus Southeast Asia Omnivore The smallest bear species, it has a short, sleek coat and a long tongue for extracting honey from hives, earning it the nickname “honey bear.”

Free Bear Learning Resources Download

There’s real images (Montessori style) of bears as well as facts and a couple of resources to explore characteristics further. The download comes with a one page sheet on how you could use the resources but feel free to use them how you would like.

Ideas to use the Bear Resource Free Download

As mentioned, you will find ideas on how to use the free download resources in the download but I’ve added them here below. I’d love to hear your ideas. Either share them in the Facebook group or drop a comment below.

Open Discussion

(Using just the image and not the words) Talk about the different bear images. Have you seen any of these before? Where have you seen them? What do you notice? What distinguishing features can you observe? Where in the world might a particular bear live? What makes you think that?

Clues in the Bear Names and Where they are from

Match the bear image to the name of the bear. Why do you think the bear has the name that it does? Do the names give any clues to where in the world the bears live? Were your predictions correct?

Use the world map to plot on where different bears live.

Discuss Key Vocabulary

Discuss the key vocabulary together from the types of bears. What do you already know about these words? Any words you need to look up the meaning of? You could use an internet search or use books. The library may have resources you could access.

Matching Bears to Descriptions

Without the name of the bears can you match any of the bear pictures to the descriptions?

Using Venn Diagrams to Categorise Bears

A Venn diagram helps to sort information by showing the relationship between different items/ categories. Use the example categories or make up your own. TIP: If you print the bear images fitting two sheets to a page you will be able to fit more in your Venn circles. You can always stack the images if preferred.

Here are some of our favourite bear books! Let me know in comments your favourite bear books.

If you’re looking for a fact based, illustrated book then Brainy About Bears by Owen Davey and published by Flying Eye Books is a great one to explore.

Bear Audiobooks for Yoto Player & Tonieboxes

Yoto Cards About Bears

Yoto have a few bear cards. There’s also a Momma Bear Audio series perfect for little ones. You can find out where to buy and latest offers on Yoto cards here.

Tonie Characters About Bears

There’s also lots of fabulous themed Tonies that are perfect for celebrating bears. You can find out where to buy and latest offers on Tonie characters here.

Bear Play Set Ups for Little Ones

We love small world play so will often try to incorporate this hands on way of learning to explore topics. Bears are some of our favourite resources.

Use Props and Play

Get yourself some spoons and bowls and you can be acting out Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Look at habitats of bears by pairing with props to represent different homes. Can you match the habitat with the bear? What’s it like to have a panda in the Arctic or a Polar Bear in the Jungle! Use natural elements and other resources found around the home. Playdough is a perfect resource to explore.

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