Monday, February 24, 2025
HomeCategory A-BBakingBlueberry Crunch

Blueberry Crunch

This warm-ish weather has me dreaming of summer. Among other things, summer reminds me of cool drinks, sand beneath my toes and seasonal fruit. Seasonal fruit reminds me of watermelons, strawberries…and blueberries! And if you give Casey blueberries, she’s going to want butter, sugar, crushed pineapples, cake mix, and pecans to go with it.

Some call this dish Blueberry Dump. We call it Blueberry Crunch.

(Blueberries are yummy and healthy. Click here to read about all of their awesome benefits.)

Once again, this recipe comes from my dad. It’s our family get together go-to dessert. I make this for all sorts of gatherings and it has always been a hit.

I don’t know who came up with the idea of throwing fruit, butter, sugar, cake mix, and pecans into a baking dish but they were genius…

…and not diabetic.

There is a lot of sugary yum in this dish. If you’re watching your sugar, portion control your serving or take it to an event to share with others so you’re not left at home with this casserole dish of crack. You’ll keep your sugar in check and make more friends if you do. Because friends like sugar.

Pro tip: My dad recommends running a fork through the dish halfway through baking.

I’ve tried this and found that, even though we don’t mix the ingredients before placing it in the oven, it works! Running a fork through once helps push the cake mix around for a little more even baking.

This post contains affiliate links. I will receive a small commission should you make a purchase by clicking through one of my links.


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Blueberry Crunch

  • Author:


3 cups fresh blueberries

8 oz can of crushed pineapples

1 box of yellow cake mix

1 cup of chopped pecans

1 cup sugar

1 1/4 stick of melted butter

1/4 cup of sugar (for final sprinkling)


Empty can of pineapples into 8 x 10 baking dish.  Add blueberries and spread throughout.  Sprinkle one cup of sugar over entire dish.  Evenly distribute cake mix.  Pour melted butter over all ingredients.  Add chopped pecans and finally, top with 1/4 cup of sugar.  Layer ingredients, do not mix!


Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes.


Optional:  Serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. 

Love blueberries? Check out my Blueberry Cookies with Lemon Glaze post.

Made this recipe? I’d love to hear your story!

The post Blueberry Crunch appeared first on The Considerable Cookie.



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