No kitchen torch? Follow the steps below:
1. If you do not have a kitchen torch, no fear! Make dry caramel in a pot. Put about 1 cup of sugar in a pot and heat over medium-high heat until it starts to melt.
2. You can gently stir it with a spoon to make sure it melts evenly. Take the caramel to a medium amber, remove it from the heat, then pour carefully over the top of the set, cold custards.
3. This will be a thicker top because the caramel will begin to cool as you pour, and the custard will be cold. It will be a challenge to get a nice thin layer. You can always reheat the caramel as needed. Just be careful, and always remember that nothing burns quite so fiercely as a caramel burn. Trust. I have my own experiences coupled with HORROR stories from the kitchen.
- Yield – 6, 3 oz ramekins
- Presentation – For the best crackle top, you want to brûlée the custard right before serving.
- Variations – Flavor with extracts. You can swap out the vanilla bean for almond, coffee, or peppermint. Every extract varies in strength, so add with caution.
- Storage –Store the crème brûlée in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Allow the crème brûlée to cool to room temperature, wrap it in plastic wrap, and place it in the fridge.