Doggie Pumpkin Pie

I can smell it now: warm turkey, deviled eggs, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, and pumpkin pie. If you think this tastes and smells delicious, your dog agrees. This will be Marshall’s first Thanksgiving and he has no idea the heavenly smells he’s about to encounter at my family’s house. So, I planned ahead and included my 45 pound ball of love into the Thanksgiving festivities. I can’t give him the whole Thanksgiving feast but he will get dessert. Thankfully, the ingredients were already in my kitchen except for one so its not too late to make one for your doggo. I give you: Doggie Pumpkin Pie.

Although the ingredients are the same as the one you would eat, all sugars and spices have been omitted. It’s packed with nutrients but probably not enough flavor for you.

This pie uses my Pumpykin Dog Cookie recipe for the crust and my very own pie filling concoction. However, there are no sugar or spices in the filling simply because they are not good for your pup. Click here for expert advice from the American Kennel Club regarding additional Thanksgiving foods and dogs.

Since an entire pie is too much to eat in one sitting (or two or three), I cut the pie into slices, gave him a piece and froze the rest in individual ziploc bags. That way, I can take pieces out whenever I want Marshall to have a treat.

This post contains affiliate links. This means I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no costs to you.


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Marshall’s Pumpkin Pie

  • Author:

  • Prep Time:
    15 minutes

  • Cook Time:
    30-40 minutes

  • Total Time:
    55 minutes


Don’t leave your pup out of the holiday festivities.  Make this pumpkin pie today for your puppy to enjoy.


Pie Crust

2 1/4 cups of whole grain flour

1 egg

3/4 cup of organic pumpkin

1/3 cup of natural peanut butter

1/23/4 ripe banana

Pie Filling

1 can pumpkin puree

3 eggs

1 cup of coconut milk

Optional Cookie Topping

for egg wash:

1 large egg

1 tablespoon coconut milk


Homemade doggie pie crust

(This makes enough for the pie crust plus dog cookies to place on top of your pie and more for your treat box)

Roll out pie crust to desired thickness and place in a pie dish. 

Pie Filling

With a hand mixer, combine pumpkin, coconut milk, and eggs until thoroughly combined.  Pour into pie crust.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.  Start checking around the 30 minute mark.  Pie filling will feel soft but not runny.  Pie crust edges will begin browning but should not be burnt.

Take out of the oven and let it cool completely.  The filling will come to its perfect consistency during this cooling period. 

Optional Cookie Topping

While pie is cooling, roll our the rest of the pie crust dough onto a floured surface and use cookie cutters to cut out shapes and place onto cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. In a separate bowl, beat an egg in a tablespoon of milk.  Brush onto cookies to give them a nice shine.  You can leave this step off if you wish.   Bake cookies at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.  Let cool and place onto your pie.  


Cook time on this recipe does not include making dog cookies, only the pie itself.

  • Category: dog treats
  • Method: baking
  • Cuisine: dog food

Keywords: dog treat, dog food, pumpkin pie for dogs, pumpkin pie, pumpkin, coconut milk, peanut butter

Marshall tested, mom approved.
S’good mom!

The post Doggie Pumpkin Pie appeared first on The Considerable Cookie.

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