Matcha Castella Cake & CNY Giveaway! 抹茶长崎蛋糕与赠品活动!(中英加图对照食谱)

Photo updated on 5 October 2018 

This is an overdue post and I finally found time to share this cake recipe. 

Last October, my dear friend Bee encouraged me to bake this Matcha Castella (also known as Kasutera) cake using the home brewed sweet glutinous rice wine that she has given me as the cake will be more flavorful. Indeed, the cake turned out so delicious that everyone commented that it tastes exactly like the ones I brought home from Korea some time back. I had bought two boxes of Green Tea Castella Cake from the Paris Baguette bakery at Seoul-Incheon International airport before boarding the plane home. We love the taste of the cake and I am so glad that I can replicate and bake it at home now. I tried baking the cake again using store bought Japanese mirin and the taste is just as good!

This sweet dessert wine is love at first taste, it is a cross between Sake and Makgeolli and I love drinking it! 

Besides baking this Matcha Castella Cake, I’ve also made the following Matcha desserts in the same week. Yes, you can tell that I am great Matcha desserts lover! 🙂 

Clockwise: – 
Matcha Castella Cake 
Matcha Milk Pudding – Click HERE for recipe
Matcha Paris-Brest – recipe is exclusive for my hands-on workshop
Matcha Ice-Cream (eggless version) – Click HERE for recipe

Matcha Castella Cake 
(Recipe adapted from here)

“It takes much time and effort to compose and translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you DO NOT copy and pass it off as your own as I have painstakingly prepared each blog recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please give credit and provide a link back to the relevant post here. ”


Ingredients 食材:
145 g Blue Jacket unbleached bread flour 高筋面粉

10g Uji matcha powder 于治抹茶粉
6 egg yolks 蛋黄
6 egg whites 蛋白
145 g caster sugar 细砂糖
25 g mirin 味霖 *
25 g honey 蜂蜜

* I used home brewed sweet glutinous rice wine when I made it the first time. When I baked it again, I used store bought Japanese mirin and the taste is good too! 

Note: Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.


Preparation 准备工作:

1. Sift the flour twice.
1. 面粉过筛两次。

2. Mix honey with mirin or sweet rice wine until well combined.
2. 蜂蜜和料酒混合均匀。

Method 方法:

Beat the egg whites till stiff peak stage, gradually adding sugar in between, then add in egg yolks one at a time until well combined. 

1. 蛋白徐徐加入糖打至硬性发泡,再加入蛋黄。蛋黄每次加一粒,搅拌均匀后再加。

2. Using lowest speed, add in sifted flour and mix until just combined.

2. 用最低速度,加入过筛的面粉,混合均匀。

3. Add honey mixture and mix on low speed for about 30 seconds. The texture is like ribbon stage. 

3. 加入混合的蜂蜜与酒,用低速度搅拌大约30秒,呈现明显的纹路状。

4. When done, pour the batter into the baking mould, base lined with baking paper. Drop the baking mould gently on the table to remove any big air bubbles. Fill hot water up to 70% of the outer baking pan or up to 1/3 of baking mould.

4. 完成后,面糊倒入底部铺有烤纸的蛋糕模。

5. Put into the preheated oven at the lowest rack , using water bath to bake at 150°C top/bottom heat for about 80 mins.  (Please adjust temperature and timing according to your own oven.)

5. 放入预热烤箱最低层,用水浴法以150摄氏度上下火烤约80分钟。


6. Remove the baking mould from the oven and drop it 7 inch above the table top, 3 times to prevent excessive shrinking of the cake when cooled down.

6. 烤好后,从烤箱取出烤模。烤模离台7吋蹬下3次,以防蛋糕冷却后过度回缩。

7. Remove cake from mould immediately and cling wrapped the cake to keep moisture and while it is hot, store it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, keeping the top side facing down which will help the cake to have a finer and moister texture. 

7. 蛋糕立刻脱模,用保鲜纸把

8. To serve, slice off the edges of the cake with a serrated knife, slice into neat pieces and bring the cake to room temperature before consuming. Put cake in an air-tight container, store in the fridge for 5 days or freeze for a month.

8. 用刀把蛋糕边缘切掉,再切成一块一块的,放到室温就可享用了。蛋糕装入密封盒,放入冰箱里可保存5天或冷冻一个月。

See how flexible this cake is! 

Baking Taitai’s CNY Giveaway 

(20 February 2018 to 2 March 2018)

Happy to be one of the author of this fundraising bilingual (English & Mandarin) cookbook! 很高兴是这本中英食谱的其中一位作者。

In conjunction with the CNY celebration, Cairnhill WEC has launched this cookbook comprising of 56 easy home cooking recipes from 32 generous contributors.

I’m holding a giveaway for my blog readers & followers of Baking Taitai’s FB page and Instagram.

3 lucky winners will each win a signed copy of this cookbook to be collected from me directly. 

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