This is my 2018 first recipe blog post and I would like to share with you this healthy Organic Masarang Arenga Forest Sugar which I was introduced to recently. It has so many health benefits that I decided to use it for my baking. I have experimented baking this cake successfully and it is now my new love ingredient.
If you are new to this healthy sugar, here’s some information which I got from the internet:
MASARANG FOREST SUGAR is a new all-natural organic sweetener that is low glycemic, delicious and an ecological superfood .
It is wild harvested from the pristine rainforests of Sulawesi and certified organic by the USDA and European Union. It is essentially the sap of the male flower of the Arenga Pinnata crystallised through evaporation by Geothermal Heat. This makes a world of difference to the quality of the sugar as there is no carbon contamination that comes from the burning of wood fuel.
The sugar has a beautiful deep flavour like creamy caramel. It enhances the taste of beverages especially tea, coffee and hot chocolate. In traditional cuisine especially, Masarang Forest Sugar can be an excellent and healthier one-to-one replacement for molasses, brown and black sugar. It particularly excels in baking, imparting a tempting fragrance to cakes and desserts.
Nutritionally, Masarang Forest Sugar is outstanding with a mineral and nutrient profile that is superior than conventional sugar.
– 100% Certified Organic (USDA & Organic EU Approved)
– Low Glycemic Index
– 50x more minerals than white sugar
– 3x more potassium than bananas
– Nutrient-rich: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Sodium and Copper
– Vitamin C and B12
– A healthy energy booster
– Wonderful caramel taste, naturally creamy and fragrant
– All Natural, 100% Arenga forest sugar, no additives
– Saves Wildlife and Rainforests
– Eco-friendly with zero waste and a carbon-neutral footprint
– Certified Halal
Do try this recipe soon and am sure you will enjoy this healthy and yummy cotton cake as much as I do! Here’s wishing all my readers a blessed Lunar New Year ahead! Live Healthy, Bake Healthy!
Super Healthy Cotton Cake
Recipe is adapted from my blog recipe “Gula Melaka Yoga Cotton Cake”
“It takes much time and effort to compose and translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you DO NOT copy and pass it off as your own as I have painstakingly prepared each blog recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please give credit and provide a link back to the relevant post here. ”
Ingredients: (this recipe is for an 8″ square or 9″ round pan with removable base, click ‘here‘ for pan conversion if you are using other sizes of pan)
6 egg whites 蛋白
1 tsp lemon juice 柠檬汁
6 egg yolks 蛋黄
2 whole eggs 全蛋
1/4 tsp salt 盐
155g organic Masarang sugar 有机印尼椰糖
105 organic light coconut cream 有机椰浆
95g Blue Jacket unbleached cake flour 水手牌蛋糕粉
*Egg used in my baking recipe is 60g with shell.
Note: Different brand of ingredients have different composites, thus there may be a slight difference in the end result.
This is the amazing pan I used for baking. Check it out at www.kitchenary.com.sg! Use discount code BTTPP0716 at Checkout page to be entitled 15% off every item. |
Directions 做法:(Click HERE for step-by-step reference photos, 点击‘这’参考步骤图)
1. Stir to mix the Masarang sugar with coconut cream over low heat until sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool.
1. Masarang 椰糖加入椰奶,用小火煮至糖溶化。放凉备用。
2. Heat the oil in a small saucepan using low fire till lines appear before turning off heat. Pour in the sifted flour, stir quickly and mix well. Set aside the cooked dough.
3. Mix the whole eggs, egg yolks and salt well, whisk in the Masarang sugar mixture, mix well before adding the cooked dough done in step 2.
3. 全蛋,蛋黄和盐搅拌均匀,拌入椰糖酱搅拌均匀;然后将步骤2的烫面糊倒入蛋黄糊里。
4. Beat the egg whites till foamy stage, add in the lemon juice and beat till stiff peak.
4. 打发蛋白至泡状,加入柠檬汁,再打到硬性发泡。
5. Add the meringue into the egg yolk batter 1/3 at a time, each time gently mixed well before adding the next. When done, pour the batter into the baking mould laid with baking paper. Drop the baking mould gently on the table to remove any big air bubbles.
5. 蛋白霜分三次加入蛋黄糊里,每次轻轻搅拌均匀后再加入。完成后倒入烤模。轻震一下,震掉大泡。
6. Put into preheated oven mid bottom rack , using steam bake method, reduce temperature to 150 degrees Celcius top/bottom heat and bake for 20 minutes, then reduced to 140 degrees Celcius and continue baking for 50 minutes or until surface is golden brown, insert a skewer which comes out clean, the cake is done. (Please adjust temperature and timing according to your own oven.)
6. 放入预热烤箱中下层,用蒸烘法,温度降到150摄氏度上下火烤20分钟后,调低到140摄氏度再继续烤50分钟或至表面金黄色。用牙签扎入蛋糕,取出牙签后牙签上没有残留物,表示蛋糕已经熟透。(自家烤炉自己拿捏好温度与烘焙时间。)
7. Remove the baking pan from oven, take out the baking mould and drop it 7 inch above the table top, 3 times to prevent excessive shrinking of the cake when cooled down. Unmould cake and cool on a wiring rack. Consume cake after it has cooled down or chilled it for an even better taste.
7. 烤好后,烤模取出离桌台7吋蹬下3次,以防蛋糕冷却下来过度收缩。蛋糕从烤馍取出,放在凉网散热。冷却后即可吃或是放入冰箱冷藏口感更佳。
Had a great holiday in Taipei last month and here are few recommended places to visit. Click on photo or text to read more: