Tuesday, February 25, 2025
HomeCategory A-BBakingSweet and Sour Meatballs

Sweet and Sour Meatballs

Sweet and sour meatballs with cornbread and homemade applesauce.

Man, I love meatballs. Whether they’re on top of spagetti (cue the song we all learned in Kindergarten), by themselves, sweet and sour, savory, or spicy, they taste good pretty much any way you make them.

As a kid, my mom made delicious sweet and sour meatballs. It was a real treat when she made them since she didn’t make them often. I remember watching her make them. I don’t remember the details, only that I knew I was in for a treat when she made them. I know there’s a meal from your childhood that you are fond of. This is mine.

Fast forward many years later, I am married with kids of my own and haven’t had anything like those meatballs in forever. A little over a year ago, my father in law passed away. Family and friends bought food over to the house for the family. One of the meals that stood out was Mrs. Sue’s Sweet and Sour Meatballs. In addition to the mouthwatering taste, they triggered a pleasant memory from my younger days. They were my mom’s meatballs. Exactly as I remembered them. That’s what makes this recipe so special. It’s not just the meatballs, its the memories attached.

After I raved about how good those meatballs were, guess who showed up with a handwritten recipe in hand? Mrs. Sue. I had not met her until this moment. Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but there is something special about a little old lady and a handwritten recipe. You know its going to be good! She even gave me her phone number and told me to call her if I I needed help.

Hand written recipes are the BEST! Never pass one up!

So today I bring you Mrs. Sue’s Sweet and Sour Meatballs, aka: my mom’s meatballs.

A few things about this recipe:

Purchase the leanest meat possible. You may find excess juice in the dish when they’re all said and done so you may want to spoon it out. I live my life a little on the daring side and hold it over a bag placed inside a bowl (placed in the sink) and let as much juice run out as I want. Use a large spoon with holes at the end to prevent meatballs and from sliding out. The sauce stays pretty much on top of the meatballs. Go slow if you try this. If not, you’ll be singing On Top of Spaghetti…all covered with awesome sauce…I lost my poor meatballs…when they rolled out the dish… and onto the floor… and then my dog ate it.

Missed Memory Maker Meal Part 1? Click here to make Granny’s Meatloaf.

Want to know my favorite products to bake with? Check out the links below.

P.S. This lesson contains affiliate links. Meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no costs to you. 


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Memory Maker Meal Series: Part Two: Mrs. Sue’s Sweet and Sour Meatballs

  • Author:

  • Prep Time:
    30 minutes

  • Cook Time:
    45 minutes -1 hour

  • Total Time:
    1 hour and 30 minutes


Sweet and sour meatballs are one of my favorite comfort foods.  Make this dish with rice, noodles or as featured in this post, cornbread and homemade applesauce. 


  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • 1 sleeve Ritz (or Townhouse) crackers
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 Tblsp seasoned salt
  • 1 onion
  • 1 green and/or red pepper
  • 12 oz ketchup
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 1/2 cup sugar



Mix together ground beef, sleeve of Ritz crackers, milk, salt and pepper into a large bowl. Roll into meatballs.  Size depends on your preference.   Place meatballs in a long baking dish.  Cover with slices of onion and green and/or red peppers.


Mix ketchup with vinegar and sugar in a separate bowl.  Pour over peppers and onions and bake 350 degrees for 45 min-1 hour, until done.  This depends on the size of the meatballs. 


Be sure to purchase lean ground beef.

When rolling meatballs, add more milk if you feel the meatballs are too dry.  Add more crackers if they feel too mushy.  

  • Method: baking

Keywords: meatballs, meat, sweet and sour, ground beef, ketchup, vinegar, peppers, Ritz crackers

What’s your Memory Maker Meal? Comment below your favorite. Also, share if you made this recipe!

Considerably yours,

Mrs. Considerable Cookie

The post Sweet and Sour Meatballs appeared first on The Considerable Cookie.



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