Here is a list of the most recommended baby registry items as told by experienced moms, as well as all the items you can skip and save your money on!
Hello my friends! I am excited to be back to share another baby-related post with you today. A couple months back, as I was starting to build my baby registry, I took to Instagram and asked you guys your best (and worst!) baby products that you’d recommend… or wouldn’t. And boy, did you guys deliver! I had so many great recommendations, and ever since I’ve been wanting to compile everything in a post to help other mommas to be. Finally, the day has arrived! Here are The MOST (and least!) Recommended Baby Registry Items as told by my mom tribe 🙂
Jump to section:
| Diapering | Health & Hygiene | Breastfeeding | Bottles & Pacifiers | Sleeping |
| Clothing | Baby Carriers & Transport | Toys | For Mom | Anti-Recommendations |

- Diapers – these are of course a MUST and many people recommended putting these on your registry! Some people specifically mentioned Huggies Lil Snugglers but Pampers are also a popular brand. I’ve also heard Kirkland diapers (from Costco) are great!
- Pro tip: “Tell people not to write on diaper boxes – you need to be able to return them if they size out”
- Baby wipes – specifically recommended were Huggies Naturals and Water Wipes.
- Baby wipe dispenser – so you can pull out 1-2 wipes instead of 1000! One with a weighted top like this OXO one was recommended and it can fit wholesale store-sized wipe packs.
- Diaper rash cream – another must to add to your diaper changing station! Top recommendations are Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Maximum Strength, Destitin, and Aquaphor.
- Pro tip: “Get TUBS (not tubes) of whatever diaper rash cream/ointment you like” – Stephanie
- Diaper cream spatula – because you don’t want to gunk up your hands every time you change baby’s diaper!
- Diaper disposal system – highly recommended was the Ubbi diaper pail! Diaper Genie took second place.
- Changing pad – either go for a travel changing pad (like this one from Skip Hop) or be sure to grab a wipeable/waterproof cover for your changing table. The Keekaroo was recommended!

- Nail clippers/file – for cutting down your sweet baby’s nails without chopping off a finger! Fan favorites include the Frida Nail Clippers, Frida Nail Files, an electric nail filer, and Piyo Piyo nail scissors.
- Snot control – in case you’re not not someone who works with kids or is usually around them, you may not realize babies make SO much snot! And they have no way of blowing it out, which equals gagging on it frequently and having snot and boogies run down their face. Booger & snot control is a must! Here are the top mom picks:
- Sick day essentials – you’d hope that your baby doesn’t get sick, but it might happen! Be prepared by stocking up on Baby Tylenol, Baby Motrin, and a thermometer ahead of time.
- Pro tip: Do note that rectal thermometers are recommended for babies until 6 months of age. Past that point, you can do an ear thermometer, under the tongue or under the armpit. I personally DO not like infrared/touchless thermometers as I find they can be very unreliable and inconsistent. This is coming from someone who sees kids in the urgent care & ER regularly with “fevers” of 106F at home (measured with infrared) that end up being only 99F in office!
- Pro tip: Please remember (I say this as your healthcare professional friend) that babies under 6 months CANNOT take Motrin – only Tylenol!
- Baby bathtub – you will need a tub to bathe your sweet baby! The Angelcare Bath Tub specifically came recommended. “It is easy to clean and dried quickly so I didn’t ever have to worry that it was moldy or gross,” says Kylie.
- Bath thermometer
- “Not a must, but nice to have – it made me feel more comfortable that the water was the right temperature” – Summer
- Frida baby silicone baby bath brush – apparently this does wonders for cradle cap!

- My Brest Friend pillow – this is one of several breastfeeding pillows on the market! I will say that it seems less versatile than the Boppy as far as for future use, but people who used this really loved it.
- Pro tip: “If you’re short, I definitely recommend the My Brest Friend Pillow over the Boppy as it offers more support” – Jennifer
- Boppy pillow – this is one I personally put on my registry as it seems more versatile, and I think it will get more use in the long run.
- Pro tip: “The Boppy is good for nursing, but also for propping baby up on the floor, etc” – April
- Manual breast pump – these have been declared a must-have from many nursing moms! They recommend placing a manual breast pump on the other breast while you’re breastfeeding to catch any extra milk. The Haaka cup and Haaka Ladybugs are most recommended, but the Elvie Curve is also a good option.
- Pro tip: “Everyone recommends the Haaka…. But the Elvie Curve is SO much better! The Haaka always gets knocked over and is awkwardly in the way when you’re trying to breastfeed baby on one side. The Elvie Curve sits in your nursing bra. Highly recommend it!” – Annie
- Breast pads – you do have some different options when it comes to breast pads! You can get disposable or reusable/washable ones. Bamboo ones, such as these from Bamboobies, were specifically recommended. Some moms prefer the reusable fabric pads as they found the disposable ones can cause irritation.
- Nipple balm – another must-have for nursing moms that you may not think about until you need it! Specifically recommended were the Earth Mama Nipple Butter and the Medela Lanolin Nipple Ointment. Coconut oil is also a great option!
- Pro tip: “Just use coconut oil instead of nipple butter! It’s healthy fats for the baby and clean!” – Audra
- Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold Supplements – these can help with your milk supply!

- Bottle sterilizer – this one was a bit debatable, some moms recommended getting a bottle sterilizer and some said it was a waste of space. They do make microwave versions, so that is actually what I bought! I will have to report back on how well it works, but I like that this way it is not a permanent appliance on my countertop. If you’re a pumping mom, you can also sanitize your pump parts with a bottle sterilizer.
- Bottle warmer – this was recommended by pumping moms and formula feeding moms! It’s a quick and easy way to get your baby’s bottle to the perfect temperature.
- Baby Brezza formula dispenser – highly recommended by formula-feeding moms and moms of multiples! It makes your life so much easier!
- Baby bottles – there are honestly SO MANY BOTTLES out there! It can be hard to choose one! Some moms suggested getting a sample pack of bottles (such as through Babylist) so that you can try and see what your baby takes best. Most frequently recommended by moms were Dr. Brown’s, Comotomo, Avent, and MAM. Some moms also recommended glass bottles over plastic!
- Pro tip: “Depending on the pump you’re using, some bottles can fit directly. I used the Spectra, and Avent bottles you can pump directly into” – Bianca
- Pro tip: “I love having glass bottles, especially for breast milk. They are way easier to clean (don’t get funky residue) and I don’t have to worry about health risks of heating plastic.” – Brittney
- Pacifiers – just like the bottles, there are a gazillion different types and brands of pacifiers out there so it can be hard to know which is best! By and far, the most moms said that their babies loved MAM pacifiers so that is a good place to start! Nookums paci plushies, Bibs, Nanobebe, and Nuk pacifiers were also recommended.
- Bottle cleaning supplies – apparently cleaning bottles and pump parts is a special skill in and of itself! Here are some recommended tools to make the job easier:

- Swaddles – pretty much every mom recommended swaddling at least in the newborn stage! There are many swaddles and many different brands to pick from, but here are the most recommended.
- Sound machine – I was shocked that the NUMBER ONE most recommended item across the board was specifically the Hatch Sound Machine! 25 different people independently recommended getting one which is crazy! Even if you don’t want to splurge on the Hatch, some sort of sound machine is recommended for good sleep for you and baby. You can even get fancy and buy a portable sound machine like Yogasleep or the Baby Shusher for when you are out and about.
- Bassinet – most moms recommended having a bassinet for the first few months to make life easier! If you can, a bassinet with movement is even better. A waterproof bassinet cover/mattress cover is also a must.
- Baby monitor – I personally live in an apartment so I won’t be needing a baby monitor since everything is in such close proximity. But if your house has baby’s room far away from the common areas where you will be hanging out, or on a different story, it will come in handy! Specifically recommended were the Kasa camera and the Infant Optics camera & monitor.
- Pro tip: “I like that [the Infant Optics camera] doesn’t connect to WiFi or your phone so no one can hack it” – Sarah
- Humidifier – I actually recommend this to all parents during cold & flu season (and allergy season, too!) as it helps with congestion during night-time. I put this fun one on my registry that doubles as a night-light, but any plain humidifier will do. I do recommend getting a cool-mist humidifier as it is safer – hot mist units get hot and can pose a burn risk to you and your kiddos.
- Pro tip: “all you need is patience and a humidifier – half the other stuff is used one time!” – Alyssa

- Zip up onesies – the comment of, “don’t get any onesies with buttons” was pretty much UNIVERSAL. I hear ya. Zippers it is! It makes your life easier for diaper changes, especially in the middle of the night.
- Pro tip: “You need onesies with zippers. Do not get any other kind of onesie. Preferable double zipper or zipper that starts at the top and ends at the bottom so you can just uncover legs and booty when changing diapers. Buttons are the devil and so are any clothing item you have to pull up and over a baby limb or head.” – Agnes
- Sleep gowns – this is the other most convenient option for nighttime to make your life easier! Some scrunch at the bottom with elastic and some tie but either way, I imagine this is even easier than having to wrestle with a zipper.
- Pro tip: “It’s easier to change diapers in them at night!” – Jillian
- Muslin washcloths & blankets – these are apparently magical multi-purpose items that can be used for anything from blankets to nursing covers, carseat covers, keeping baby warm during a bath, and of course as burp rags. They’re like the unicorn of baby items!
- Pro tip: “Muslin washcloths are top tier. Regular terry washcloths are fine for baths but muslin soaks up barf the fastest. We use 12 x 12 inch cloths and they are amazing.” – Lisa
- Pro tip: “Use receiving blankets instead of burp rags – they are too small and don’t catch the spit up. The blankets work better” – Stasia

- Baby carriers – as you’ve seen with most baby items, there are as many options as there are moms willing to try them. The overwhelm is real! There were a lot of different recommendations for these, so here is what fellow moms had to say…
- Ergobaby 360 carrier
- “I like The Ergo baby 360 carrier way better than my Moby wrap since it’s faster to take on/off.” – Jessica
- MiaMily baby carrier
- “It has been life changing for my back!” – Tiffany
- Momcozy baby wrap
- “It’s amazing and I’ve tried a million of them, this one is my favorite and you put it on like a t-shirt. No actual wrapping required, and it supports better than a K’tan so it’s easier on your back” – Nathalie
- Baby Bjorn infant carrier
- “I tried 3 different wraps and I would get lower back pain with each of them, even when my son was less than 10 pounds. I LOVED the babybjorn infant carrier. I was so easy and fast to put him in it.” – Erica
- Other recommended baby carriers: Solly, Baby K’Tan, and LILLE baby
- Ergobaby 360 carrier
- Doona carseat – I am actually so excited that this came highly recommend because I received one at my baby shower! Living in an apartment, it seemed like the most convenient option since it is a carseat and stroller in one. Hoping this helps save my back!
- Other travel accessories:
- Car seat cover
- “It kept the sun out of his eyes, and I feel better taking him into public” – Anne
- Stroller fan – this is a must have, especially if you live in a hot state like me!
- Car mirror – so you can see what baby is up to back there while you’re driving!
- Extra carseat base – this is super handy if you know that you and your partner will both be driving around with baby fairly often! It saves the trouble of having to manually secure the carseat each time.
- Backpack style diaper bag – these help save your back as opposed to a tote-style bag! Many can also be clipped on to your stroller which is super convenient.
- Car seat cover

- Lovevery play gym/kits – these kits are pricey but apparently worth the money! I see ads for them all the time. This would be a fun registry splurge or even a great first birthday present.
- “We started when [my baby] was about 14 months and have absolutely loved the toys. They’re really well made and invite imaginative play!” – Kylie
- Bouncy seats – these are awesome to have baby up and looking around while you are cooking or cleaning around the house! It keeps them safe and cozy. The Baby Bjorn bouncer specifically came highly recommended by many moms.
- Interactive toys – these are the most recommended toys for when baby is a little older and more active!
- Little Einstein Take Along Tunes – SO many moms I talked to said this was their baby’s favorite toy for YEARS. I don’t know what it is about it but it’s cheap, cute, and portable. Might as well add it to the list!

- Diaper caddy – moms recommended prepping a caddy that you can bring around the house with you to make life easier, especially in those early postpartum days. If you have a two story house or a very spread out floorpan, it may be handy to have more than one!
- Pro tip: “Prep a caddy for the living room and bedroom, and stock them well with baby stuff and snacks for you.” – Agnes
- Meal delivery subscription – because who has the time or energy to cook in those postpartum days?! This is genius. Someone do this for me please!!
- Cleaning service – same as with the cooking , who has the time or energy to worry about cleaning?!
- Pro tip: “Cleaning services – because you get overwhelmed trying to do it all! Who really wants to clean a toilet when you’re healing and trying to keep a tiny human alive. I say at least for the first 3 months, even if it’s just every 3 weeks or once a month” – Erica
- Postpartum caddy – something to prep for you and your comfort! Moms recommended making a kit for the bathroom for all your postpartum stuff like pads, underwear, witch hazel pads, peri bottle, dermoplast, and sitz bath spray.
- Crib sets – this for me is more of a safety issue than anything else! The matching crib set may be aesthetically cute, but remember that for safe sleep, baby should not have anything in their crib as even a loose blanket or a bumper can pose a choking/asphyxiation risk. Better to have a boring crib and be safe!
- Pro tip: “There is nothing needed but a fitted sheet, and they want to sell you blankets and bumpers” – Amy
- Formula mixer – some moms love their Baby Breeza and some didn’t find it helpful. It may be wise to freehand your formula mixing for awhile before investing!
- Bottle sanitizer – I told you this was controversial! It’s both recommended and not, depending on who you ask. Some people love theirs and some don’t. It may be one of those things where if you’re a formula feeding mom or exclusively pumping and using a lot of bottles, it may be more useful for you than for others.
- Bottle warmer – another controversial one. This can be hit or miss – this would be another item I would wait before buying to see if you really find yourself needing it.
- Wipe warmer – the universally MOST unrecommended item on this whole list! Hah. Most moms agreed a wipe warmer is unnecessary, and some mentioned it can dry your wipes out too which is a bummer!
- “Avoid anything that would become an unnecessary crutch like a wipe warmer” – Hannah
- Changing table – personally I can’t even have a changing table cause I don’t have the space for it in my apartment! But several moms said it’s really not necessary nor convenient to have to go specifically to baby’s room to change their diapers.
- Pro tip: “I just change baby on a mat/blanket on the floor” – Lesley
- Bumbo seat – I remember these used to be hugely popular several years ago when I used to nanny! Turns out they have fallen out of favor as they put baby in a poor position. Not to even mention all of the babies I have seen at work that fell off of counters/tables after being placed in a Bumbo seat and suffered head injuries! Note that you should never leave a baby unattended in any sort of seat like this.
- Pro tip: ” Bumbo seats are bad for their hips – assisted sitting isn’t good if they can’t sit on their own to begin with” – Lisa
- Baby clothes – now, not saying that we don’t all love cute tiny baby clothes! But many moms mentioned that there’s really no need to put these on your registry because people will buy them for you regardless (and I did find this to be true at my own shower)!
- Pro tip: “We have been using lots of sleepers – you won’t use many cute outfits while 0-3 months” – Herlyn
- Pro tip: “Why are people so obsessed with hats for newborns? Newborns spend like 80% of their time sleeping and hats are a SIDS risk because they can overheat. I have like 20 hats that I have NEVER used because people gave us so many” – Lisa
- Owlet camera – apparently this baby monitor camera specifically is poor quality, so moms said to avoid it if you’re looking for a good monitor.
- Diaper Genie – some moms liked this and some didn’t! Honestly, and not trying to be a jerk here… but I feel like any time I’ve gone to someone’s house who uses a Diaper Genie, their whole dang house smells like it. I would not want to have this in my house personally. Moms also mentioned that you end up with a giant plastic bag caterpillar of stinky poopy diapers which is logistically a challenge to take out to the trash bin!
- “It seals in the stink and moisture, but every time you have to open it to throw a new diaper in, you’re hit with the stink of everything else in there. i just put poopy diapers in dog poop bags and put them out with the trash every other day” -Kylie
- Toys that are overstimulating – this one should be pretty self explanatory 🙂
- “They are annoying for parents and children!” – Becca
- Regular swaddle blankets – if you’re trying to wrangle a tiny wiggly baby, make your life easier and go for a zipper or velcro swaddle rather than an old-school blanket.
- Infant bath flower – these are so cute but turns out they are not practical in the least!
- “They get so wet and soppy afterwards – stick to the hard tub or just use the sink” – Ashley
PHEW. That was a doozy!! I hope you guys find this list helpful as putting it together was definitely a labor of love 😅 I have another post in the works sharing all of the FREE baby registry bags/boxes you can get as an expecting mom and I hope to have that published soon! In the meanwhile, you can check out some unboxing videos on my Instagram if you’re curious to see what I scored!
If you’re an experienced mama and there are things I missed that you would recommend (or avoid) for baby, let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
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