Top 3 Christmas Breads – Scandinavian Bread

Islander Bread

Almost every baker here in Finland knows this classic recipe, because Islander Bread is The Christmas Bread here in Turku and all over Finland. Everyone must have a loaf or two waiting for the dinner on Christmas Eve.

Islander Bread is a perfect match with smoked ham, fish, home-made fresh cheese or gouda. Or, why not to try it with blueberry jam and goat cheese?

Christmas Bread

This festive rye bread combines all the best parts of Christmas, almonds, dates and dark chocolate. How could you resist it? What’s more, you can bake this bread with sourdough starter or with yeast.

Finnish Christmas Loaf

I bake Islander Bread for Christmas, but my family likes traditional Finnish Christmas Loaf too. So, I have a habit of baking the latter in November. This is a lovely bread as such, but also a delicious toast for breakfast.

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