Does a Gas Fireplace Increase Home Value?

Wondering whether to invest in a gas fireplace? While there are plenty of reasons to do so outside of simple return-on-investment, it’s still a worthwhile consideration if you’re trying to figure out how to spend money on your home. Today, we’ll look at whether gas fireplaces improve the value of a house, what they offer as value to homeowners and buyers, and what goes into optimizing the value of your upgrade. So, if you’ve ever googled “Does a gas fireplace increase home value?”, then this blog post from the experts at Breakaway will be a great resource.

Does a Gas Fireplace Increase Home Value for Cape Cod Homeowners?

This is a simple question with a simple answer: yes. A gas fireplace improves home value, with some homes seeing an improvement of as much as $12,000 according to the National Association of Realtors. Because gas fireplaces are growing in popularity, it’s possible that this number will go up to reflect increased desire for homes with fireplaces in the years ahead.

Even homes that don’t see those gains usually see modest improvements that more than match the value of the fireplace and its installation—and that’s not taking into account any practical benefits you might enjoy as the owner of a home with a gas fireplace.

Top Benefits of a Gas Fireplace

A gas fireplace increases home value through a variety of advantages it offers—advantages that you’ll enjoy as a homeowner too, if you’re not selling immediately or in the near future. A gas fireplace will offer you:

  • An effective and efficient way to heat certain rooms
  • A lovely aesthetic improvement
  • Easier upkeep, cleaning, and operation than a traditional woodburning fireplace
  • Safer and more environmentally friendly than a woodburning fireplace

This is a value you’ll get to enjoy and value that will be reflected in the value of your home as a whole.

Related Post: Wood-burning vs. Gas Fireplaces: What’s Better For You?

Finding the Right Gas Fireplace to Improve Cape Cod Home Value

The value of a fireplace in increasing home value isn’t simply a matter of how expensive the fireplace is—it’s a question of how much it improves your home. That means you’ll want to find the right fireplace for looks and function and install it in the right place in your home. You’ll want to consider:

  • Whether the fireplace offers practical heating for an appropriate area
  • Whether the size of the fireplace suits the room you’re installing it in
  • How well the aesthetic of the fireplace aligns with the current room
  • If you want to shape a room around the fireplace or match the fireplace to a room

Fortunately, there are plenty of options for gas fireplaces out there—and if you’re on Cape Cod, the team at Breakaway can help you find your perfect match.

Related Post: Are Gas Fireplaces Worth It?

Learn More About Gas Fireplaces from Breakaway

If you’re curious about making the most of a gas fireplace installation for a home on Cape Cod, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Breakaway today. Reach out to the team in South Dennis by dialing (508) 398-3831 or call us in Mashpee at (508) 539-1674. You could also contact us online for more information!

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