Grilled Chili-Lime Spatchcock Chicken — Grillocracy



8 cups water

¼ cup Kosher salt

¼ cup brown sugar

2 (3lb.) chickens

¼ cup olive oil

Chili-lime salt (recipe follows)



Combine water, salt, and brown sugar in a container large enough to hold the two chickens and stir until the salt has completely dissolved.

Place chickens on a large cutting board breast side down and remove the backbone from each chicken using kitchen shears or poultry shears.  Turn the chickens over and open up like a book, pressing down until the breastbone cracks and the chickens lay flat.

Place chickens in the brine mixture and refrigerate for 4-6 hours. 

Prepare Grill Dome for medium heat cooking, approximately 325 degrees.  Add 2-3 chunks of your favorite smoking wood to ashed over charcoal for maximum smoke flavor.  Place a water filled aluminum half pan on the indirect cooking rack and put the main cooking grate in place.

Remove the chickens from the brine, rinse, and pat dry.  Coat both sides of the chickens with olive oil then season liberally with chili-lime salt. 

Place one butterflied chicken bone side down on the main cooking grate.  Add the grill extender rack and set the second chicken bone side down on the rack.  

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