Horseradish Capital of the US!

How many of you enjoy horseradish?

We absolutely love it! Our first free weekend after we arrived in Illinois, before social distancing was put in place, we visited a local restaurant in St. Louis by the name of Broadway Oyster Bar. They had the most amazing horseradish sauce we had ever consumed. I mean, the kind that brings you to tears, making you hit your knee over and over because….hot — but with a Kleenex in hand you have to have more? It’s like riding a roller coaster, ascending that first climb you’re thinking, what the hell am I doing this for, but then run to the back of the line as soon as it’s over? Yes, that’s the kind.

Later, we found out, the neighboring town, Collinsville is the horseradish capital of the US! SAY WHAT?!? The horseradish from this county supplies 80% of the national supply! Well aren’t we lucky to have this experience?! Time to pick up a fresh supply and make some home made fiery horseradish! Look for a recipe posting soon, highlighting horseradish in all of its glory!

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