I am a card carrying member of the Buon Temo Club. This is an Italian Social Club who hosts dinners twice a month in Castro Valley California. I do need to make a disclamer that I am not Italian. I do really enjoy the dinners though. Once a year the Buon Tempo host a free Anniversary diner for members only. Prime rib was the entre and this cut of beef will go down in the food memory books.
This particular cut seemed to fill the gold standard for prime rib. It was cooked to a perfect, let me repeat perfect medium rare. It was sliced almosst 1 1/4 in thick. It had the most succulent crust you could ever imangine. The crust had spices, maybe a little rosemary and was crunchy/caramilized in spots. There was a slight sweetness from the crust that made me savor every bite of this cut of meat. All I can say is Wow!