In Rochester, New Hampshire on Main Street, that you’ll find the best barbeque: Mr. Sippy BBQ, owned by Cecil Abels III. Cecil shared his hush puppies recipe with us. To read his interview click on the link.
- 2 cups cornmeal
- 1.5 cups self-rising flour
- 1 yellow onion – grated
- 1 jalapeno – seeded, smoked and chopped
- 6 green onions, sliced thin
- 2 large eggs
- ½ cup smoked cheddar cheese
- 2 cups buttermilk
- 2 tsp cayenne
- 2tsp salt
- ½ cup sugar
Grate onions first. Mix dry ingredients. Add onions, pepper, eggs, cheese and buttermilk. Mix well, refrigerate. Using 1oz scoop drop in hot oil and fry until golden. Dry on paper towel and serve with Comeback sauce.