A poem by Robert Francis Astrop from Original Poems, on a Variety of Subjects, Etc., published in 1835.
Ye who love good eating, just go to a ’Cue—
Ye’ll find and enjoy it there, I warrant you.
Who ever went there and ne’er got enough?
Who ever went there and found the meat tough?
Who ever went there and came mad away?
Who ever went there, and kept steady all day?
Who ever went there, discontent of distrest—
Who ever went there with sorrow opprest—
Who ever went there deep in love or grief—
And did not immediately find some relief?
Enjoyment here presides as the host,
And he who’s least welcome is welcome the most.
Freedom and Frolic here hold their domain,
And good sense and wit all folly restrain:
Here, age may be youth and live o’er its days,
Here, virtue is honored and wisdom finds praise,
Here, wealth and poverty, meekness and pride.
Commingle in one and sit side by side.
Formality here, and modish nonsense
Is held in contempt, and banished hence;
Contention and strife must here have an end
While each is a neighbor and each is a friend.
Republican plainness and candor preside,
And all kind of precedence here is denied.
Here sweethearts are toasted and sweet wives are lov’d;
Virtue commended and vice is reproved.
Ye ball-room revels and parties of Lou,
Give me the Barbecue—Devil take you.