British Food Fortnight 2024 is the biggest national celebration of British food on the nation’s calendar and running from 20th September to 6th October this year marks its 23rd year! I love British Food. I don’t need a festival to enjoy it, but such an event does give me the chance to say why I love British food, why British Food Fortnight is important and tell you how you can get involved.
Why British Food?
British Food is the best. I could simply stop there but British is more than just the best. We have such a diversity of food from beef and dairy to vegetables. Great British food has something for everyone from Vegans and Vegetarians to meat lovers and fish lovers. In fact, it could be said the UK has some of the most diverse food types in the world and we need to celebrate. As Brits, we need to support our local farmers and fishermen and those who create, sell, and serve some of the most delicious foods in the world.
Best of British Food
During British Food Fortnight there will be many ways to enjoy the very best of British Food in every part of the UK. No one will be left out of this amazing event as hospitals and even prisons are taking part ensuring everyone gets a taste of the best food in the world. Schools will be teaching special lessons on the best of British foods and school canteens up and down the country will be serving hungry pupils some fantastic dishes.
Taking part in British Food Fortnight
Up and down the country pubs, restaurants will be showing off what they can cook with good British ingredients. From homegrown vegetables to succulent British Beef, Pork, Lamb and Chicken and not forgetting some of the best fish on the planet, old-time favourites such as roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding as well as new takes on Asian Fish or Vegan dishes, for example, will be cooked. But you can take part too, and not just by visiting the many fabulous eateries around the country.
British Food at Home
In its 22nd year, British Food Fortnight wants everyone to get passionate about British Food. Firstly, the country and its economy rely on British Food products to be consumed and secondly anyone can cook British. How about a Great British barbecue? Of course, that would be my go-to or perhaps some sustainably caught haddock steamed with some fresh veg. All the ingredients for a delicious breakfast, Lunch, Dinner or Tea can be found in many local supermarkets, butchers, fishmongers, and greengrocers. You could have a simple but British cheese sandwich made from locally produced artisan cheese with bread from a local baker – you could even pair some British Cheese with some British Beer with me.
Summing Up British Food Fortnight
In all honesty, two weeks is not enough time to go into and taste every aspect of British Food. We are totally blessed to live in the UK where we have rich resources of amazing and healthy homegrown food choices and some of the most creative culinary minds in the country. There is even a wonderful community competition hosted by top chef Raymond Blanc that anyone can enter that involves sharing food and sharing love, because, after all, the Best British Food always tastes better when made with love and shared with those we love most. I am proud and delighted to be an Ambassador for Love British Food and encourage you to get involved.