The “Schieding” Ribeye Steak – Head Country


Step 1. Pre-heat your smoker to 180-225 degrees F (you can use higher temp like 275 if you want to cook faster–I like the lower temp for more smoke flavor and even cooking).

Step 2. Trim all the exterior fat off the outside of the steak without destroying the steak integrity and losing portions of good meat. I do this because I prefer to have more meat surface area for rub (like cutting a prime rib roast).

Step 3. Get out a small metal baking sheet pan. On both sides, put a light coating of Head Country Premium Marinade on the steak and medium coat of Texas Brisket Rub followed by alight coating of fresh ground pepper. Flip and repeat. Be sure to put Texas Brisket Seasoning on the sides of the steak too. Save the Doug’s Dust™ for finishing rub after slicing.

Step 4. Put the steaks on metal pan in the freezer for 15 minutes.This is the key step for this recipe. It will help with getting a red-to-red interior steak with the outer meat fibers colder and make it more moist with a quick dry brine via diffusion.

Step 5. Cook using indirect heat for~1 hour to an internal temperature of 120-125 degrees F (depends on thickness). If you have room on the grill place the cast iron pan in with the steaks to par heat.Once the temperature reaches this  range pull the steaks and cover in foil. Avoid using tongs as they remove the rub–use a pigtail or gloved hands.

Step 6. Turn up the Grill to 350 degrees F and place a griddle or cast iron skillet on the grates.Wait for12-15minutes for the grill to come to temp and get the cast iron hot (less if pre heated in step 5). Spray a small amount of duck fat on the cast iron and heat for up to a minute and then place the steak on it top side down. Do not move it for 3-4 minutes depending on thickness then flip with a pigtail. Check the temp while searing the second side. Remove at 132-133 degrees F in the spinalis.

Step 7. Do not rest other than to take a picture#phoneeatsfirst. Immediately start slicing (this helps prevent carry over) and sprinkle Doug’s Dust™. Eat BEFORE the juices run out.


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