Who Wants to Be a Part of Bub ‘n Mutha’s? – Bub ’n Mutha’s

Have you ever thought about starting your own barbecue business?  Here’s what we had to do over the last 7 years (I’ll leave out the major mistakes that we made!)  Start with a bunch of spices and play mad scientist on a kitchen island in Winter Harbor, Maine.  Finally, after spending way too much time and money on spices, we had our first flavor.  Because we spent all that money, the labels had to be handmade.  But, that first flavor eventually was carried in 8 stores and we made about $18.00 profit for the year.

7 years and nine flavors later, we have professionally blended and bottled rubs being supplied to over 250 retail locations along the East Coast and a new shop in Colorado carrying our rubs.  I share that not to impress but rather to impress upon you, that if you’re willing to do the work, you can have the same or better success if you don’t give up.

What if there was a way to take all of our experience, eliminate the mistakes every new business makes, and start off successful from day one?  Would you be interested in owning a business that is already proven, with a product that has already won multiple awards along with several cooking competitions across 3 different states with 3 different teams?

Most of you are familiar with franchising.  Franchising has one of the highest success rate for business owners because, the original creator has made the mistakes and eliminated them and then created a process that works almost anywhere.  However, most franchises require huge up front investment and then the cost of a specific location along with modifications.  There is an alternative.

Licensing.  Licensing offers similar protection as franchising without the major expense and restrictions.  Licensing gives you access to a process that is proven.  Licensing also gives you something most franchises don’t even offer – a large protected territory.  That’s our offer.  Bub ‘n Mutha’s is setting out to have one license for each of the 50 states and you may want one for your state.

Want to learn more, we are inviting people to a FREE Webinar on March 28th at 7 pm EST.   If interested, this webinar will cover all costs, what you get, and then we open it up for questions until all of them are answered.  To make sure that all of your questions get answered, we limit each webinar to a maximum of 10 people.  Email bubnmuthas@gmail.com and tell us which state you are from and why you think that a barbecue business would be a good fit for you.  For more info, watch the video from the link below.

Keep Grilling!

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