Beerlonging 05 | It Smells Bitter – Beer O’clock Show Podcasts


Sheep in a snowy field with dark grey skies in the distance

Photo: Mark Johnson

This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. This month we’re talking about annual release beers and the hype / FOMO that surrounds them

Our guest this month is Meg Houghton-Gilmour from Bristol 24/7


Mark | Backyard Brewhouse ‘Three States’ / Holy Goat ‘Goatsmoker’ / Wild Beer ‘Smoke and Barrels’

Rob | Kernel ‘Bitter Simonds 1880’ / Backyard Brewhouse ‘Embankment’ /  Mikkeller ‘Ich Bin Raspberry’

Steve | Vault City/Tartarus/Deadend Brew ‘Barrel Aged Barley Wine’ / Sierra Nevada ‘Torpedo’ / Thirst Class ‘Barley Wine MMXX’

Meg Houghton-Gilmpour

Meg’s work can be found here and you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram


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Original music by Rob Edwards

Intro by Dani Carberry

Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

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