Beerlonging 14 | A State of Pre-Craft – Beer O’clock Show Podcasts


This is Beerlonging

Hosted by Mark, Rob and Steve featuring beer chat, beery adventures, and reverbeerations. This month we’re talking about what we’ve been up to and looking at how beer is reverting to a state of ‘pre-craft’ status

Our guest this month is Katie Mather


Mark |  S43 ‘DCLXVI’ /  Siren ‘Fire & Stars’ / Wasted Degrees ‘Porter’

Rob | Siren/Five Points ‘Decades’ / Allagash ‘White’ / Indie Rabble/Yonder ‘ Passion Fruit Margarita’

Steve | Cairngorm ‘Gold’ / Williams Bros ‘Nollaig’ / Fuller’s ‘Vinatge Ale 2022’


Katie Mather’s work / sign up can be found here

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Credits // Original music by Rob Edwards // Intro by Dani Carberry // Artwork by Clayton Chisholm

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