Beers I Had While Listening To Pearl Jam

Few things pair better than great music and great beer. When diving into Pearl Jam’s catalog, whether you’re like every dude in the world and in a Ten kind of mood or feeling the depth of Vitalogy, you need the perfect beer in hand. I did have the perfect beer… it was called a beer.

I have never admitted to being a big Pearl Jam fan. I don’t know why that is. Maybe they are too… known. Too pedestrian. But they are not pedestrian. They are deep as shit.

Yeah and maybe that is it, they are too fucking deep.

Anyway. I am sitting home (mostly) alone on a Saturday night, having beers and listening to live Pearl Jam recordings, reliving being at a PJ show. These are the beers I had leading in and the beers I am having now while having a good time with a nice relaxing buzz:

  • Liquid Gravity Brewing “Pale From The Crypt” Pale.
  • Barebottle Brewing “Citra Ka-Pow” IPA.
  • Coronado Brewing “Big Weekend” DIPA.

BTW, have you listened to Pearl Jam’s new stuff, Dark Matter? It’s pretty fucking good for a band that most people would consider ‘past their prime’ and stuff.

Anyway, please make space to have some beers and listen to a band you love, live, it will make you feel better about things, I promise.


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