Episode one of Brew Crime takes on the theme of murder on the road. Here are two stories of terror that took place on the highways and roads of North America.
Here is Bob Seger Turn the Page.
Blondes have more fun. And by fun I mean blood on their hands – The Jodi Arias story.
29 stabs, 1 slashed throat, 1 gun shot to the head. Self defense?
This story paired with East India Porter from Iron Road Brewing of Kamloops.
Jodi Arias
Pride Flag in front of Mormon Temple
Killing of Tim McLean – Tim McLean was heading home from Edmonton to Winnipeg on Greyhound in Central Canada when he was brutally murdered, decapitated and cannibalized. Follow along with us and learn the story of Vince Li now known as Will Baker the Greyhound Killer.
This story paired with Trans Canada Brewing’s Arrow IPA