In Between Times – Hibiscus Blood Orange scores a 91 with the Beer Connoisseur – Social Fox Brewing & Distillery | Norcross | Peachtree Corners

In Between Times – Hibiscus Blood Orange by Social Fox Brewing is being evaluated as a Fruited Berliner Weisse (Category 29A) per the 2021 BJCP style guidelines.

This beer pours a beautiful raspberry red color with a medium haziness. On the pour a mousse-like head of off-white is creamy and its tiny bubbles are sustained. A high citrus aroma is apparent and is very bright and fresh with a low candy-like note, which dominates the entire nose. Though slightly one-dimensional, it is very lovely and invites the drinker to take multiple sniffs. On the front of the palate is a medium-high blood orange flavor followed by a medium-low tartness. There is a low touch of grainy malt. There is no hop flavor or hop bitterness perceivable in this beer and the tartness provides balance to the low malt sweetness. In the finish is when the hibiscus manifests itself and the blood orange carries through and lingers. This beer is thin-bodied with medium-low carbonation. The combination of the tart citrus and acid makes the drinker salivate and perpetuates for another sip.

Overall, this is an Exceptional fruited Berliner Weisse. It is well balanced and refreshing and hits the mark on drinkability. However, I’d love to see a touch more carbonation in this beer. This is an absolute summer sipper as the hot weather approaches, and one you should have readily available to bring to your next outdoor activity.

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