Pink Boots Beers Will Take Over the Beveridge Place Pub

A group of brewers pose for a picture in front of the brewine equipment.

The event on March 27th showcases locally brewed Pink Boots Beers

The exact beer lineup has not yet been announced, but West Seattle’s Beveridge Place Pub is gathering as many locally brewed Pink Boots Beers as it can find and will host a Pink Boots tap takeover on Thursday, March 27th. You are invited to join the pub and local Pink Boots Society chapter members and enjoy some beers. The pub will serve ’em up in full pours and taster flights. (Above: members of the local chapter of the Pink Boots Society gather for a brew day at Georgetown Brewing. From Instagram.)

What’s With All the Pink Boots?

What is the Pink Boots Society? What is a Pink Boots Beer? Why is it important? Let me use the event at Beveridge Place Pub to explain.

A poster for the Pink Boots event, with logo for the pub and the organization.

The Pink Boots Society is a non-profit organization with members around the world. For example, there is a local chapter here in Seattle. The Society’s mission is to support women and non-binary people working in the fermented beverage industry and allied industries. It started with a focus on women working in the craft beer industry but has evolved since its foundation to include folks working in various fermented beverage industries. Still, most Pink Boots members work in the craft beer biz. 

The organization helps women and non-binary individuals advance their careers through educational opportunities. The Pink Boots Society also works to provide mentorship, facilitate professional and personal networking, and raise awareness of women in these traditionally male-dominated industries. It trains people to become beer and beverage judges. It raises money for scholarships. There are thousands of members globally, all of whom are women or non-binary people with some type of career in a fermented beverage industry.

As a white dude working in the craft beer biz, I recognize the need to increase diversity within the industry. In my opinion, it’s more than a feel-good thing. It is essential for the future of craft beer. The notion that craft beer is brewed by white dudes for white dudes will only get the industry so far. Greater diversity and better representation will lead to broader appeal and better beer. If the craft beer industry wants to grow beyond its current boundaries, it must break down those boundaries. But I digress.

Since 2018, Yakima Chief Hops has worked with the Pink Boots Society to formulate a hop blend each year: the Pink Boots Blend. A beer made with that hop blend is referred to as a Pink Boots Beer. (By me, if not by everyone.) These beers are often the result of collaborative brewing events involving multiple Pink Boots members. The beers are often produced in March to celebrate Women’s History Month, with many collaboration brew days happening on March 8th, International Women’s Day. The Pink Boots Beers help advance the organization’s efforts.

On Thursday, March 27th, Beverage Place Pub offers you a chance to enjoy a selection of Pink Boots Beers side by side. In doing so, you are supporting the Pink Boots Society’s mission. Members of the local chapter will attend the event, so you’ll have an opportunity to further educate yourself. Keep an eye on the event page for updates about the taplist.

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