Looking back on another year around the sun and while my 50th year was a shifting sand dune on which I climbed, stumbled down and rose again, I find myself at much the same spot as last year, albeit with a little more chill in my life.
To be honest, not much has changed in the last year, I continued to be somewhat of a recluse outside of working, only stepping out a handful of times for dinner with Kat and only twice to have a quick beer with someone other than her. My circle has shrunk pretty small, I spend more time with Oreo, Marbles and Simcoe than any human and while I may have periods of deep introspection on what caused this loneliness, I can only quote Jimmy Buffett, “But I know, it’s my own damn fault…”. I watched it happen in real time and hardly recognize myself some days, who is that man in the mirror every morning, practicing his smile and covering his growing fear that it is all coming down to whether he can truly change or continue this slow and steady decline into his winter years. 51 ain’t old, but I feel every year, the last decade weighs heavier than my waistline and I struggle with the notion that it was all for nothing, the past is best left undisturbed, lest it drag me down with it.
I had high hopes for last year, even with the changing of jobs, a summer with a decent stretch of time off and a new job that is lower stress, I still find myself at the same place, with the same thoughts and the same problems. It’s a simple fix, but I am either too lazy or too afraid to get moving again. There will come a time when my body decides for me that it has had enough of my inaction and that is the scariest part of what I think about as the lights dim and sleep approaches. I do not want to go gentle into that good night, I want to rage against the dying light, but I also seek solitude and routine, rest and normalcy.
I am not an adventurer anymore, nor a glad hander, party guy who has a thousand acquaintances and no lasting friendships. I have seen the top of the mountain, done almost everything I wanted to do when it comes to beer and life. yet I ponder what I could seek that would bring me joy and wonder again. What is it that I want and what am I willing to do to get there? I find myself writing notes to myself at all hours of the day, tucking them into my lunch bag at work for future reference when I am home, jotting down random thoughts that could be the next great idea. I have a dozen half written posts on the go and twice as many little niblets of knowledge that are just outside of my eye line, perhaps I shall find them all one day and inside them the answer I seek.
I was once inspired to write about anything that came into my head, sometimes about beer and then my life. I find so much malaise seeps in to my days, but not enough to trigger a full blown descent into depression, just enough to sap whatever inspiration I have found. I push on but also push away from a community I do not fit in anymore, drinking alone and staying home don’t sell as well as being out and about. I miss it sometimes, but am I willing to push back against my own routine that I have wrapped around myself as a shield against the world? I don’t know, but I will keep hoping that I can find that thing, that divine light I once grasped briefly and let slip away.
March 18th, 2024