Brewed in Denver, North Carolina, by Royal Bliss Brewing Co., Toasted Knight is a 5.3% ABV coconut Porter. This porter has heavily toasted bittersweet coconut spreads. Toasted Knight pours black with an almost two-finger beige head. The head is semi-sticky as it fades into itself. The aroma is of roasted coffee, bitterness, and coconut. The taste is chocolate, with roasted notes and bittersweet coconut, which is smooth. This beer has a fuller mouthfeel. Then, this beer has a bittersweet finish. The finish is smooth. The aftertaste is of roasted noted and bittersweetness. I found Toasted Knight good and would give this a B-. The coconut really adds good flavor to the beer. I would recommend this beer. But I think this isn’t the best coconut porter, but it’s worth drinking. Please stay safe, be kind to each other, and remember to enjoy responsibly! Cheers!