Why is National Beer Day on April 7th? – Hoppy Travels & Cider Sightings

Happy National Beer Day! I mean right now I feel like everyday is National Beer Day during this quarantine but today is the official day. So in honor of todays holiday I wanted to share the history of National Beer Day. So believe it or not National Beer Day started when Congress passed the 18th Amendment enacting prohibition. I know at first I thought what? Although, If you think about it people were trying to find creative ways to enjoy their alcoholic beverages.

Fourteen years later, FDR became president and everyone wanted change.One of the changes he made was enacting the Cullen-Harrison Act which made selling low ABV beer and wine legal in America again. This act passed on March 22, 1933 but officially went into effect on April 7th which led to many Americans flooding to the bars to get beer. I knew there was something else about the Roosevelts that I liked.

Now I know this was a super short post there will be a long one coming I promise. In the meantime stay safe celebrate this holiday with a good beer and until next time Hoppy Travels!


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