10 Proven Strategies to Help Stop Picky Eating in Children – For Good!

Picky Eating in Children: How to Stop it for Good

Picky eating in children is one of the most common, yet concerning issues for parents, at any age. It can be an incredibly overwhelming and stressful thing for parents to deal with, especially when it affects the child’s health. After all, as parents, we want to nurture and help our children reach their highest potential. One of the main ways to do this is through proper nutrition, something that can be a challenge when dealing with a picky eater.

The first step in addressing the issue is to understand it.

Picky eating in children can often be associated with the pressures of growing and their natural reluctance to try a variety of new foods. As parents, we need to be patient and understanding and keep in mind that as our children grow and gain more independence, they often become more open to trying different foods. In some cases, picky eating is also connected with food allergies, sensitivities or even underlying medical issues, so it’s important to consult with a doctor if needed.

Now let’s talk about how to stop picky eating in children for good. Here are some practical tips that you can use to help turn those picky eaters into healthy eaters:

1. Begin Early:

The best way to encourage healthy eating habits and combat picky eating is to start early on. By introducing homemade, nutrition-dense foods from the start, you can get your child used to a variety of flavors, age-appropriate foods and textures and help them to appreciate healthier choices.

2. Listen:

Simply hearing out your child can make a huge difference. Discussing food choices and allowing them to have some autonomy can make all the difference when it comes to picky eating. We want to have no-pressure meals where children feel heard and calm.

3. Involve them:

Inviting your child to help make meals or have a say in dinner can provide a sense of control and autonomy over their eating. It can also really help if your child gets to pick certain foods they think the rest of the family might like too. Allowing them to take part in the cooking process is also great for their culinary development.

4. Make Mealtime Fun:

Mealtimes should be enjoyable and stress-free, instead of a battle. Food activities such as creative plate displays, food bingo, offering choices or even representing food with colors.

5. Be A Role Model:

You are the primary role model in your child’s life, so model healthy eating habits as much as possible in family meals. Put away unhealthy snacks or sugary drinks, and rely on nutrient-dense meal and child snack options. Sit at the dinner table together and chat about the day. Ask questions, tell jokes 🙂 Make mealtimes a little more fun.

6. Include Variety:

Variety is the key to a healthy diet and this rings true for picky eating habits too. Focus on including a wide range of colors, textures, and flavors in your child’s meals to ensure diversity in their nutrient intake. It is really important not to substitute food your little one doesn’t like. Alternatives will only make you a short order cook in the long term.

7. Meal Prep:

Meal prepping can be a game-changer for busy parents. All you have to do is dedicate one day a week to preparing meals for the week ahead. This will leave a lot less temptation and stress when it comes to dinner time.

8. Try New Things:

When it comes to picky eaters, the best advice is to keep trying, one food that is new at a time. Don’t get discouraged when your child refuses a new meal, just offer it again in a different way or don’t force them to finish the plate. Get an older child involved in the process too. Your little one might be more open to trying new kids foods when they see older kids eating it.

9. Review Progress:

Don’t just move on after trying something new – take a moment to review and assess how it went. Was it successful? If not, why not? This can help to inform decisions on what to offer next time. Is it easier to offer to foods at snack time, lunch time or at breakfast? Some children are different and some have extreme picky eating that may need outside help.

10. Make Healthy Swaps:

If your child is a picky eater, it can be hard to get them to try new things. So instead of introducing something entirely new, opt to make a healthy swap. For instance, if your child loves pasta, try out a wholegrain variety. Or try making mini bagels and topping with a veggie hummus instead of butter.

There are a few key strategies that can help families of all varieties to address picky eating.

  • Get to the root cause: In order to get to the root of a child’s picky eating, it is important to understand the reasons behind it – the picky eaters source. This could include things such as sensory issues, frustration or fear of failure. Once the root is determined, parents can address the specific issue.
  • Involve your child in meals: Inviting your child to participate in the meal preparation process can dramatically reduce picky eating. By involving children in food-related activities, parents can foster a more positive association with food and nutrition.
  • Establish clear and consistent policies: Establishing clear expectations for meal times and helping your child understand the importance of healthy eating can help to create a healthier relationship with food. By setting clear, consistent expectations, parents can help to reduce mealtimes and stress and create better eating habits.
  • Introduce new foods gradually: Gradually introducing new foods is key when it comes to picky eating. Introducing new flavors and textures slowly can help to establish better eating habits and reduce stress and anxiety around food.
  • Empower the child: Empowering children with the choice of what they want to eat is another great way to combat picky eating. When children are given certain healthy foods, they are more likely to accept and try new foods.
  • Never call a ‘picky child’ a picky child – this will give your little one a complex about food. They say I am something, so I must be attitude.

Do I need to give a supplement to my picky eater?

Child vitamin supplements are BIG business! As a nutritional health coach the advice is to get as much of the nutrients you need from food, rather than taking them synthetically. Supplement with a smoothie before offering over the counter options. Think iron rich specific foods such as green leafy veggies for example. If you feel your little one is lacking in specific nutrients, always go to your GP first! This is really important. It can be quite dangerous to supplement with specific nutrients in young kids when it is unnecessary.

Best recipes for picky eaters

Now that we’ve covered the basics of picky eating, let’s talk about what you can do if you’d like to offer more nutritious options for the entire family. Here are some weaning-friendly child food ideas that the entire family can enjoy:

hummus and veggie sticks

Veggie Bites:

Veggie bites are always a great way to get in some nutrition without having to worry about picky eaters. Simply cut up some vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, peppers, and broccoli and have your picky eater dip them in hummus or their favorite healthy dip. It is important for children food safety that age appropriate foods are offered. You must always be able to squash a food between your finger and thumb before serving to your little one – steam carrots, green beans and harder vegetables for smaller babies.

Check out this recipe for hummus and veggie sticks

Cauliflower and Broccoli Egg Free Fritters

Veggie Fritters:

Veggie fritters are another great meal option – you can make them out of any vegetable that you’d like! Simply blend the vegetables together and then coat them in some flour, eggs and cheese before frying them. It’s a great way to get plants into picky eaters.

Try my delicious Cauliflower and Broccoli Egg Free Fritters

Veggie Nuggets

Veggie Nuggets:

Usually the word ‘nugget’ and kids eyes open WIDE! You can use whatever veggies work best for you and your little one, but I find carrot adds a little sweetness and adding a little cheese makes them delicious!

Try this recipe for Veggie Nuggets

Veggie Noodles:

Veggie noodles are a great way to get picky eaters to enjoy nutrition-dense vegetables. You can make veggie noodles out of zucchinis, squash, carrots, or sweet potatoes. Serve them with your favorite marinara or creamy avocado pesto. Or, slater in a delicious healthy mango dressing.

Try this recipe for Mango and Lime Spiralized Salad for Fussy Eaters – It is so good!

Veggie Burgers:

Veggie burgers are another great way to get picky eaters to enjoy more plant-based foods. You can make veggie burgers out of ingredients like quinoa, black beans, spinach, mushrooms, and sweet potatoes. Or mix veggies along with your favourite meat for an easy and quick kids dinner.

Try these Chicken and Veggie Mini Burgers

Bowl Meals

Bowl meals are a great way to get picky eaters to try different foods in one meal. You can start by making a base out of grains like quinoa, millet or oats and then add in your favorite roasted vegetables, sauce, and herb mix.

Get the recipe for The BEST Buddha Bowl Recipe EVER

Baked Veggies

Baked veggies are one of the easiest and most delicious ways to get picky eaters to enjoy nutrition-dense foods. All you have to do is cut up your favorite vegetables, coat them in olive oil and spices, and bake them in the oven. Serve them with things like hummus or tahini-yogurt dressing.

Get the recipe for Sticky Chicken and Roasted Vegetable Tray Bake

Wrap It Up in Pastry

Pastry is a great way to wrap up delicious vegetables without them being so ‘in your little ones face’. The aim is not to hide, but just to take a little pressure away so that mealtimes will be a little easier – for both of you.

Try these Healthy On the Go Pastry Recipe – Empanadas


Smoothies as part of a balanced diet can be a great way to get a few extra nutrients in. This isn’t the same for juice where the pulp (fibre) has been taken away. Especially on the days when your little one just isn’t eating for you. Add a handful of frozen fruit, leafy greens and full fat milk along with hemp seeds for extra iron and protein, then blend until smooth. Always serve a smoothie with something your little one can chew at the same meal. This really helps the digestion of the smoothie and makes it so much healthier.

Try this recipe for my Avocado and Spinach Smoothie. Low in sugar and delicous!

Frozen Fruit Pops

These are great for giving your picky eater a cooling, sweetness and a nutrition boost. Simply blend up frozen fruits and vegetables, such as mango, banana, cantaloupe, cauliflower, or spinach and freeze them in molds.

Try these healthy pops for kids

Picky eating in children can be a real challenge, especially when it comes to child nutrition, but with patience and dedication, it is possible to successfully and healthfully combat it.

Remember to listen to your child and to take a holistic approach to their diet, not just what you can see on their plates. Setting clear expectations, introducing variety and flavors from the start, and engaging them in the cooking process can all help to reduce picky eating over time. Remember, children under the age of 5 need to eat food three to five times daily – 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 snacks. Their little bodies are growing at such an enormous rate.

With these practical tips in mind, you’re sure to be on your way to a happier, healthier picky eater in no time! (And don’t forget to check out Baby Led Feeding for kid-friendly recipes your little ones will love!)

Severe picky eaters can have a harder time coming to grasp with new foods, so if you fall into this category, or your little one has few chosen foods, speak to your GP who will be able to advise you further. You can also find picky eater food guides on the American Academy of Paediatrics (in the US), HSE (in Ireland) and the NHS (in the UK).

Buddha Bowl
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first foods for baby led weaning broccoli
Fussy eaters
Starting baby led weaning
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Buddah Bowl

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