Banana Pancakes: 4 Ways



Who loves pancakes?! This banana egg pancake recipe is a staple in our house that works well for eaters of all ages (babies included)! 

We love this basic banana pancake recipe and hope your whole family will, too. My kids get really excited on pancake day! 

You may see this recipe on the internet as just banana and egg, but we like adding rolled oats (or coconut flour) so it’s thicker and doesn’t fall apart as easily when cooked.

The recipe is super versatile and makes about 8 small pancakes, enough to feed 1-2 adults and 2 kids depending on how much you eat.

We love to double or triple the recipe, make a big batch, and keep the leftovers in the fridge (up to 3 days) for awesome fast breakfasts or snacks. They also freeze well! Just thaw and reheat in the toaster oven on convection or in the microwave before serving.

We added real maple syrup to the pumpkin variation because pumpkin can be a little bitter – you can omit it if you’d like!

What do you top these with?

  • Nut, seed or granola butter
  • Smashed fruit or jam
  • Butter, real maple syrup
  • Dollop of Greek yogurt with cinnamon added
  • Nothing! They’re great on their own too.

Baby at home? Cut into slices they can easily pick up! Practice serving them cut into small pieces, strips, wedges or whole with toddlers and kids to practice different fine motor skills.

Egg allergy? We haven’t made these with an egg replacer, but Cookie and Kate and The Worktop have some great eggless pancake recipes if you do a quick search!

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