Caitlin Murphy of Maternally Happy — Oh Baby

How have your learnings from Oh Baby impacted your own life and family?

The course has taught me to be more mindful with ingredients and balancing meals. This is something I have really focused on because of my history of PCOS and wanting to start a family soon. Quality ingredients, variety, and balancing meals are 3 pillars I have really focused on after completing this course, both for myself and for my clients.

Tips on overcoming negativity in the industry?

Not everyone has similar views or beliefs surrounding nutrition and lifestyle, and that is absolutely okay. I’ve learned to become more confident and back myself, my qualifications, and my knowledge. Utilizing the community online has been important to me and my clients. Regularly reaching out for support and referring some clients to other incredible health professionals for holistic care. 

Some additional words of wisdom:

  1. To not compare yourself to others and to try not to let the number of likes, comments, or followers on social media define you. Celebrate all your small wins!

  2. Stick to your beliefs and values as they will be challenged.

  3. If I am struggling with my energy levels or feel burnt out, I will give myself a day off to recharge and feel inspired. This allows me to be more productive.

What advice do you have for students and grads who are taking the first steps in building their brand?

Begin by digging deep and asking yourself…

  • Who am I?

  • What do I have to offer?

  • How am I different?

And always remember not to undervalue yourself or your services! 

Connecting with Caitlin (and a recipe!)

Caitlin shares that her inbox is always open to anyone who is struggling a little or just needs a chat. Some topics she is most enthused by are website creation, Canva, emails, postage, fulfillment, product creation, and illustration. Adding: I’ve learned all of this through watching copious amounts of YouTube videos and also by failing. Failing is the discovery of something that didn’t work and that allows improvement.

We asked Caitlin to share a recipe she has been loving lately and she pulled through with her famous crunchy nut mix. Full of protein, they’re perfect for a sweet snack or to sprinkle over your breakfast in the morning, they’re also great as a lactation snack.

Any exciting plans on the horizon? 

I am bringing out 2 new products in the new year which I am very proud of and believe are very well needed. Hint: They’re low-tox and not supplements. Be sure to stay in the loop by following along @maternallyhappy as well as @thepregnancyculture.

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