MOGLi’s 6 Tips for More Time Outside this Easter Holiday

How to encourage your children outside this holiday

“A walk is really boring.” If this sounds familiar, then MOGLi have some suggestions! Together with their nature educator Hendrik Jansen, they have 5 fun ideas for the Easter holidays. “Not in the mood for being outside” quickly becomes “hello, fresh air”!

1. Find your Easter basket – an alternative way
This is a rethink of the popular search: a fun game for a wood or forest! Stretch a string (e.g. a long rope or woollen thread) from tree to tree – attach the string at a height that is easy for the children to follow. They then feel their way along the rope as it snakes between the trees – the brave or bigger ones can be blindfolded. Small obstacles such as roots are overcome to reach the goal. At the end of the string there is a filled Easter basket or a collection of delicious MOGLi treats. Yay! …remember to take the wool or string home with you.

2. It’s Bingo Time
Have you ever played bingo? Sure, of course! How about forest bingo? Umm … Let’s go then! This turns the Easter walk into a fun game of discovery.
For forest bingo, prepare a sheet of paper with different images in the bingo fields – or download MOGLi’s template and print it out. Then keep your eyes and ears open while you go for a walk, it won’t take long until you spot the first bird, a beetle or a particularly beautiful flower. Who discovered the most things at the end of the walk? Who shouts “Bingo” first? Let’s go!



 3. Easter artwork
Get creative together on your walk and make your own Easter nests using items such as small or large sticks, leaves, feathers, pine cones or acorns. Finally, add a little something for the children to their forest Easter nests! Grandma and Grandpa will definitely be happy to receive a photo of their beautiful works of art.

Who has built the most beautiful nest?

Children & Creativity:
When children develop and implement their own ideas, it is not only fun, it also promotes identity development and strengthens children’s self-esteem.

4 Colourful colour search
Search games are a hit! In this game, place different coloured pieces of A4 paper on the ground and look together for natural materials that match these colours. It is surprising when we look at the forest or wood more closely how colourful it can be! The “things” found are collected on the paper with the appropriate colour. A pine cone on brown paper? The yellow of a daffodil? Pink blossom? There is a lot to discover. We say challenge accepted!

This search game is not only fun, it also sharpens your children’s attention and practices respectful interaction with nature. Remember though: only take with you what doesn’t harm the ecosystem. Some wild flowers such as bluebells aren’t allowed to be picked.


Brown or green? Sometimes it is not that easy

5Nature Treasure Trail
Embark on an exciting treasure hunt in nature with our Nature Treasure Trail! Download and print out the template, which features 9 different natural wonders to discover during your outdoor adventures. From spotting a delicate daisy to finding a busy bee, this activity will keep your little explorers engaged and curious.

As you walk through the woods or park, encourage your children to carefully observe their surroundings and check off each item they find on their treasure trail sheet. They’ll develop a keen eye for details and learn to appreciate the incredible diversity of plants and animals that thrive in their local environment.

Remember to guide your children in treating nature with respect as they search for these treasures. Explain that they should observe creatures like ladybirds and ants without disturbing them, and admire flowers without picking them. By fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility towards the natural world, you’ll help create lasting memories and instill important values in your children.

So, are you ready to embark on an exciting Nature Treasure Trail? Grab your printable sheet, put on your explorer hats, and let the adventure begin!

6. Treasure hunt in the forest
You need an empty egg carton and MOGLi’s template which you can download, cut out and stick on the egg box – or make them yourself! During your walk you have to fill the egg carton with all the forest finds shown – a pine cone, an acorn or a beautiful leaf. As your children search for these treasures, they’ll discover the beauty of nature and the joy of collecting. With the egg carton you also have the opportunity to bring some order to your collection. In the evening, the treasure chest becomes a  lovely keepsake of your trip.

Remember though: only take with you what doesn’t harm the ecosystem. In this way, the kids learn in a playful way how to treat nature with respect.

Head back home exhausted and hungry! If you’re looking for a delicious Easter recipe, click here.

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