Selecting baby gear is one of the more overwhelming parts of parenthood. There are so many options available, and friends, family members, online groups and Amazon reviews all pull you in different directions. How do you know what’s best? Let’s start with what feeding therapists look for in high chairs so you can make the best decision for your family.
Main points:
– We want babies and toddlers to be well-supported in their high chair so they are comfortable enough to sit and eat. When babies feet dangle, they’re leaning back, or they can’t see or reach their food well, they’re less likely to stay seated for a meal.
– Choose a high chair that promotes proper positioning – see our favorites below. We especially like high chairs that can be pushed up to the table once the tray is removed so your child is seated similarly to you as they eat.
– Good positioning in a high chair can make a really big difference. In practice, we’ve seen monumental changes in how children eat when we put them in a chair that promotes good posture and stability. You can likely modify your chair to make it more comfortable for your child.
Our favorite high chairs:
Read on for why we love these products.
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What is good positioning, and why does it matter?
As a feeding specialist, co-founder Judy Delaware OTR/L, CLC has a few favorite high chairs, but almost every high chair can be modified to help your baby or toddler be most successful at mealtime. You see, when humans are well-positioned for any activity, we are more likely to stay and endure that activity longer. We really want our babies and toddlers to want to sit in their high chair and participate in eating, not get out right away because they’re uncomfortable or unstable.
Think about it like this – when you go to a bar at a restaurant, there’s always a place to put your feet. Restaurants know that patrons will sit longer when they’re comfortable. The same concept holds true for your baby, toddler or big kid.
Most high chairs are created to be easy to clean or transport, but they don’t actually promote great postural dynamics. They may support a baby that doesn’t have good independent sitting skills, but they don’t lead to successful positioning long-term.
(Note: before babies start eating any food, they should be sitting with minimal assistance on the floor first, not just propped in a high chair barring any medical or developmental issues. Read more here.)
Many of our Infant and Toddler & Kid Course clients have changed their child’s high chair positioning and have noticed monumental improvement in eating – it really does matter!
What are our favorite high chairs?
As mentioned above, most chairs can be modified for good positioning, but we wanted to share our Feeding Littles-approved chairs so you know that the chair you buy promotes good posture. When evaluating our favorite chairs, I considered positioning, ease of cleaning, adjustability, and general ergonomics.
The following chairs are our absolute favorite high chairs because the foot rest can be brought up to reach most 6 month old’s feet, and the baby can easily lean forward in the (ideal) positive tilt position to reach food. These chairs are also super easy to clean, slide up to the table to avoid needing a booster, and come in multiple colors (bonus)!
Top Picks:
Other favorites
The chairs listed below promote generally good sitting dynamics but may need to be modified with a foot rest until baby’s legs are long enough.
A word about the IKEA high chair…
Many families love the IKEA ANTILOP high chair because it’s inexpensive (around $23) and easy to clean. However, the seat on this chair is deep so baby is far away from the edge of the tray when their back is supported, and the tray is difficult to maneuver and remove. It’s just too big for many babies if not modified. If you decide to use this chair we recommend adding rolled up towels around your baby (or using one of the support pillows IKEA sells) and using one of the hacks shown below to add a footrest.
Some companies have created ANTILOP accessories that help add stability and comfort to this chair. Check out Yeah Baby Goods for ANTILOP cushions, placemats and footrests.
IKEA recently released the LANGUR high chair, which is a more ideal option because it has a foot rest (although it may not reach baby’s feet), a better back rest, and a more user-friendly tray.
My child can’t reach their footrest – how can I modify it?
– Tie or slide an elastic exercise band around the legs to make a makeshift footrest.
– Tape a saran wrap box to the high chair to create a makeshift footrest.
– If possible, slide a dining chair behind the high chair so the seat creates a footrest. (This sometimes works with the IKEA Antilop chair!)
What about booster seats?
Booster chairs are meant to transition a toddler from a regular high chair to sitting at the right height with their family at the table. Ideally we want food no higher than your child’s chest, so a booster allows a young eater to see their food when in a regular chair. Again, if you use some of the preferred chairs above, you probably don’t need to purchase a booster seat, since these chairs slide right up to the table with the tray removed.
When is your child ready for a booster chair? Many toddlers get antsy in a high chair with a tray sometime around 18-24 months, but it may happen earlier or later. We recommend keeping your child in their chair as long as they are comfortable and are willing to sit in their high chair, but eventually most kids want to sit with you at the table. If they’re doing well in their high chair, let them stay in it – there’s no rush to switch to a booster!
If I have one of the chairs you recommend that slides right up to the table, when should I take off the tray? This is up to you! We want your baby close to the table in their high chair, and sliding them right to the table with the tray removed is a great way for them to be an active part of the meal. It’s important that your child is stable in their seat before removing the tray, as the tray helps keep them secure in the seat. Experiment with taking off the tray as your child enters toddlerhood, especially if they don’t like being contained by the tray any longer.
What about a foot rest when I’m using a booster seat? Your child might not have supported feet in a typical booster seat. The high chairs we recommend above can be converted to chairs you slide up to the table that still allow for a foot rest. They may be a better investment long-term because you don’t need to buy a separate booster seat. If you have a traditional booster seat, you might be able to add a box under their feet to give them a footrest.
What about propped sitting chairs or floor seats like the Bumbo?
The Bumbo floor seat (with the round leg holes) and propped sitting chairs don’t teach a baby to sit and put their hips in an unfavorable posterior tilt position. We recommend avoiding these chairs or using them sparingly, and we don’t recommend them for feeding.
We hope this helped you know how to best position your baby or child in their high chair or booster!